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The domain for the Python Requests library is expired (python-requests.org)
170 points by davidgu on May 25, 2022 | past | 79 comments
Requests III: HTTP for Humans and Machines, Alike (python-requests.org)
1 point by jonbaer on April 23, 2019 | past
Requests-HTML: HTML Parsing for Humans (python-requests.org)
2 points by BCM43 on Jan 3, 2019 | past
Requests: HTTP for Humans (python-requests.org)
1 point by Ivoah on Nov 1, 2017 | past
Requests: HTTP for Humans (python-requests.org)
2 points by Ivoah on April 3, 2017 | past
Requests Python library – HTTP for Humans (python-requests.org)
1 point by morphics on Jan 30, 2014 | past
Philosophy behind Python Requests (python-requests.org)
5 points by bobajett on Oct 10, 2013 | past
Requests v2.0 Python module released (python-requests.org)
212 points by TheSwordsman on Sept 24, 2013 | past | 37 comments
Python Requests: HTTP for Humans (python-requests.org)
397 points by frzn on Oct 10, 2011 | past | 85 comments
Requests: HTTP for Humans (python-requests.org)
404 points by DanielRibeiro on Aug 13, 2011 | past | 66 comments
Requests a simple HTTP library for Python, built for human beings (python-requests.org)
4 points by gourneau on May 23, 2011 | past

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