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How to get the most out of caregiving (psyche.co)
1 point by nsoonhui 1 day ago | past | discuss
What I learned from sharing my private self with an AI journal (psyche.co)
1 point by jyunwai 13 days ago | past | discuss
[flagged] Grief is not a process with five stages. It is shattered glass (psyche.co)
52 points by jyunwai 23 days ago | past | 28 comments
Déjà vu is just one of many uncanny kinds of déjà experiences (psyche.co)
5 points by squircle 35 days ago | past
What to do when you're feeling upset about being disliked (psyche.co)
3 points by nsoonhui 36 days ago | past | 1 comment
Could dreams during anaesthesia help to heal life's trauma? (psyche.co)
2 points by chapulin 42 days ago | past
So-called 'SMART goals' are a case of style over substance (psyche.co)
2 points by herbertl 51 days ago | past
Is it better to live in 'clock time' or 'event time'? (psyche.co)
2 points by jyunwai 69 days ago | past
Our days are both rough and slippery. Hope brings traction (psyche.co)
2 points by herbertl 3 months ago | past
The psychology of impatience could make waiting more tolerable (psyche.co)
2 points by jyunwai 4 months ago | past
How to Enjoy Your Problems (psyche.co)
2 points by nsoonhui 4 months ago | past
Why listening well can make disagreements less damaging (psyche.co)
1 point by danielskogly 4 months ago | past
How to Rewild Yourself (psyche.co)
2 points by JieJie 4 months ago | past
The History of Humiliation points to the future of human dignity (psyche.co)
1 point by throwup238 5 months ago | past | 1 comment
Innovative three-year-olds expose the limits of AI chatbots (psyche.co)
1 point by pseudolus 5 months ago | past | 1 comment
Why so many plagiarists are in denial about what they did wrong (psyche.co)
4 points by pseudolus 5 months ago | past | 1 comment
The illusion of closeness: how social media redefined respect (psyche.co)
1 point by jyunwai 5 months ago | past
Teacups (psyche.co)
4 points by Tomte 5 months ago | past
The reason little noises drive you mad is about more than sounds (psyche.co)
22 points by gmays 5 months ago | past | 1 comment
Talking out loud to yourself is a technology for thinking (2020) (psyche.co)
15 points by colinprince 6 months ago | past | 7 comments
How to Live Like a Cynic (psyche.co)
2 points by pseudolus 7 months ago | past | 2 comments
How to Think Clearly (2021) (psyche.co)
1 point by Tomte 7 months ago | past
How to Live Like a Cynic (psyche.co)
2 points by Tomte 7 months ago | past
Lessons about learning from ancient Greek philosophers (psyche.co)
1 point by jyunwai 7 months ago | past
Lessons about learning from ancient Greek philosophers (psyche.co)
1 point by Tomte 7 months ago | past
Slowing the Pace of Sustained Attention (psyche.co)
1 point by yamrzou 7 months ago | past
How to Discover New Music (psyche.co)
4 points by helsinkiandrew 7 months ago | past | 3 comments
How to start having more fun (psyche.co)
1 point by kulor 8 months ago | past
How do good conversations work? Philosophy has something to say (2022) (psyche.co)
4 points by yamrzou 8 months ago | past
Talking out loud to yourself is a technology for thinking (psyche.co)
2 points by yamrzou 8 months ago | past

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