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WFH as a Freelancer, 1991 (presentandcorrect.com)
1 point by pmzy 4 months ago | past
Max Brückner's Polyhedra (1900) (presentandcorrect.com)
2 points by NaOH 4 months ago | past
Rams Palette (presentandcorrect.com)
2 points by rcarmo 8 months ago | past
Rams Palette. – Present and Correct (presentandcorrect.com)
2 points by tambourine_man 8 months ago | past
A collection of Soviet control rooms (2017) (presentandcorrect.com)
369 points by irtefa on Dec 20, 2022 | past | 119 comments
Button It: A collection of Soviet control rooms (2017) (presentandcorrect.com)
2 points by thecosas on Feb 17, 2022 | past
Dieter Rams Palettes (presentandcorrect.com)
190 points by bookofjoe on March 2, 2021 | past | 38 comments
1994 Crayola Calculator (presentandcorrect.com)
1 point by bookofjoe on Dec 13, 2020 | past
Typology of Lego Computers (presentandcorrect.com)
3 points by agilboa19 on June 8, 2020 | past
A collection of Soviet control rooms (presentandcorrect.com)
4 points by vinnyglennon on June 8, 2020 | past
Photos of Soviet control rooms (presentandcorrect.com)
268 points by _0nac on Sept 29, 2017 | past | 67 comments
Kamon: Japanese family crests (presentandcorrect.com)
38 points by France98 on Nov 18, 2015 | past | 9 comments

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