| | Abby fires all Russian employees in one day (pravda.ru) |
15 points by amai 77 days ago | past | 2 comments
| | Russia starts building first strategic PAK DA flying wing bomber (pravda.ru) |
1 point by Giorgi on April 4, 2021 | past
| | CIA, FBI, NSA and all the king's men work to topple Brazilian President Rousseff (pravda.ru) |
3 points by bruna597 on March 17, 2015 | past
| | Mind Control in the 21st Century – Science Fiction and Beyond (PART II) (pravda.ru) |
1 point by yiedyie on March 24, 2014 | past
| | Mind Control in the 21st Century-Science Fiction and Beyond (pravda.ru) |
1 point by yiedyie on Feb 6, 2014 | past
| | Moscow subway sells free tickets for 30 sit-ups (pravda.ru) |
140 points by vladgur on Nov 10, 2013 | past | 80 comments
| | John McCain Op-Ed in Pravda: Russians deserve better than Putin (pravda.ru) |
3 points by r0h1n on Sept 19, 2013 | past
| | St. Obama of the digital inquisition: God contacts Rome, Christ holds presser (pravda.ru) |
1 point by mdelias on June 26, 2013 | past
| | Cockroaches mysteriously disappearing from Russia & neighboring states (pravda.ru) |
13 points by alanh on Aug 13, 2012 | past | 13 comments
| | Russia to send cosmonauts to the Moon this decade (pravda.ru) |
1 point by ColinWright on Feb 4, 2012 | past
| | Standing up for our eroding civil liberties (pravda.ru) |
3 points by llambda on Dec 29, 2011 | past
| | Grigori Perelman claims he can control Universe (pravda.ru) |
2 points by hardtke on May 6, 2011 | past
| | Why do Russians smile so little (and Americans so much?) (pravda.ru) |
84 points by cwan on March 27, 2011 | past | 105 comments
| | Dr Grigory Perelman turns down $1million prize (pravda.ru) |
8 points by smallhands on March 23, 2010 | past | 13 comments
| | Earth on the Brink of an Ice Age (pravda.ru) |
8 points by gibsonf1 on Jan 11, 2009 | past | 14 comments
| | Gagarin was not the first man to fly to space. Just the first to live. (pravda.ru) |
11 points by ivankirigin on Jan 27, 2008 | past | 4 comments