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Dirty object handling with Backbone.js (paydirtapp.com)
10 points by doctororange on Nov 19, 2012 | past | 1 comment
Preventing memory leaks in Backbone.js (paydirtapp.com)
79 points by doctororange on Nov 12, 2012 | past | 34 comments
Why We Offer A Refund To Every Customer Who Leaves (paydirtapp.com)
3 points by nfm on Nov 12, 2012 | past
Invoice creator (paydirtapp.com)
3 points by toast76 on Sept 12, 2012 | past
Dropping IE support: a followup from Paydirt (paydirtapp.com)
4 points by nfm on May 11, 2012 | past
We don't support Internet Explorer, and we're calling that a feature (paydirtapp.com)
172 points by doctororange on May 8, 2012 | past | 157 comments
The Paydirt Stack: the tech that keeps a startup ticking (paydirtapp.com)
2 points by nfm on April 13, 2012 | past
Freelancers, partner up (paydirtapp.com)
16 points by doctororange on March 13, 2012 | past | 5 comments
Your clients aren't stupid (paydirtapp.com)
4 points by doctororange on Feb 7, 2012 | past | 1 comment
Fire Your Bad Clients (paydirtapp.com)
1 point by doctororange on Jan 31, 2012 | past
Quoting is hard. Here are some no-brainers. (paydirtapp.com)
2 points by nfm on Dec 13, 2011 | past
Quoting a fixed price? It’s all about your hourly. (paydirtapp.com)
3 points by doctororange on Dec 7, 2011 | past
Stats, Feedback and Lessons from our 115 minutes of HN fame (paydirtapp.com)
4 points by doctororange on July 14, 2011 | past
Show HN: Making time tracking for freelancers not suck - Paydirt (paydirtapp.com)
14 points by nfm on July 12, 2011 | past | 25 comments

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