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Zero Configuration Build Tool (parceljs.org)
1 point by khet on Dec 1, 2022 | past
Parcel CSS: A new CSS parser, compiler, and minifier (parceljs.org)
345 points by Lapz on Jan 12, 2022 | past | 122 comments
Parcel v2 (parceljs.org)
224 points by jacobwg on Oct 14, 2021 | past | 100 comments
Parcel v2 (parceljs.org)
7 points by bpierre on Oct 13, 2021 | past | 1 comment
Parcel 2 Release Candidate (parceljs.org)
3 points by _ttg on Aug 3, 2021 | past
Parcel 2 Beta 3 – improved build performance (parceljs.org)
248 points by bpierre on May 20, 2021 | past | 69 comments
Parcel – Fast, zero-configuration web application bundler (parceljs.org)
347 points by gilad on Jan 5, 2020 | past | 201 comments
Parcel Rust Support (parceljs.org)
2 points by _gjrn on June 12, 2019 | past
Parcel – A fast, zero configuration web application bundler (parceljs.org)
435 points by KeitIG on Dec 5, 2017 | past | 163 comments

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