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Self-hosting should not be a privilege (nvnt.substack.com)
6 points by navaneethpk 5 months ago | past | 2 comments
Rethinking pricing strategy for self-hosted customers of ToolJet (nvnt.substack.com)
6 points by navaneethpk 5 months ago | past | 1 comment
Rethinking pricing strategy for self-hosted customers of ToolJet (nvnt.substack.com)
3 points by navaneethpk 5 months ago | past
Solo Tech Founders and Distractions (nvnt.substack.com)
2 points by navaneethpk 9 months ago | past
Distraction: The Solo Founder's Adversary (nvnt.substack.com)
1 point by npk200 11 months ago | past
Solo founder dilemma; CEO or CTO? (nvnt.substack.com)
248 points by navaneethpk on Oct 1, 2022 | past | 96 comments

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