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Do I Need NetBIOS? (msmvps.com)
2 points by 7OVO7 on Aug 26, 2022 | past
Adventures with string_view: Optimizing Code with O(1) Operations (msmvps.com)
1 point by todsacerdoti on April 16, 2022 | past
C++ String Benchmark: STL vs. ATL vs. Custom Pool Allocator (msmvps.com)
1 point by jes on Nov 5, 2021 | past
C++ String Benchmark: STL vs. ATL vs. Custom Pool Allocator (msmvps.com)
6 points by todsacerdoti on Nov 5, 2021 | past
The Case of stad:string_view and the Magic String (msmvps.com)
2 points by todsacerdoti on April 11, 2021 | past
Sleep() is Poorly Design (msmvps.com)
3 points by borcunozkablan on Nov 6, 2015 | past | 2 comments
Micro-optimization: the surprising inefficiency of readonly fields (msmvps.com)
1 point by numo16 on July 21, 2014 | past
AngularJS: 101 ways to create a controller (msmvps.com)
1 point by JeremyMorgan on June 27, 2014 | past
There's a hole in my abstraction, dear Liza, dear Liza (msmvps.com)
1 point by showsover on June 16, 2014 | past | 1 comment
Jon Skeet: Stack Overflow reputation and being a micro-celebrity (2009) (msmvps.com)
1 point by gus_massa on May 28, 2014 | past
Humanity: Epic Fail (2009) (msmvps.com)
2 points by edwintorok on May 25, 2014 | past
Quick brainteaser from Jon Skeet (msmvps.com)
3 points by derekerdmann on April 7, 2014 | past
C# 6: First reactions (msmvps.com)
117 points by yulaow on April 5, 2014 | past | 65 comments
Career and skills advice (msmvps.com)
2 points by bussetta on Sept 21, 2013 | past
But what does it all mean? (msmvps.com)
1 point by bussetta on June 21, 2013 | past
The Open-Closed Principle, in review (msmvps.com)
3 points by henrik_w on March 15, 2013 | past
Fun with Object and Collection Initializers (msmvps.com)
2 points by knasteddy on Feb 15, 2013 | past
Stack Overflow question checklist (msmvps.com)
5 points by riyadparvez on Nov 26, 2012 | past
Noda Time v1.0 released (msmvps.com)
7 points by arbitrarywords on Nov 8, 2012 | past
How can I enumerate thee? Let me count the ways... (msmvps.com)
1 point by bussetta on Oct 1, 2012 | past
Stack Overflow and personal emails (msmvps.com)
2 points by bussetta on Aug 22, 2012 | past
The future of "C# in Depth" (msmvps.com)
35 points by bussetta on Aug 4, 2012 | past | 3 comments
The perils of conditional mutability (msmvps.com)
1 point by joeyespo on May 8, 2012 | past
More fun with DateTime: the undocumented DateTimeKind value (msmvps.com)
2 points by joeyespo on May 2, 2012 | past
“Virtual method call from constructor” What Could Go Wrong? (msmvps.com)
1 point by yread on April 26, 2012 | past
Type initializer circular dependencies (msmvps.com)
1 point by joeyespo on April 7, 2012 | past
Diagnosing weird problems - a Stack Overflow case study (msmvps.com)
7 points by dazbradbury on March 16, 2012 | past
Changes between the VS11 Preview and the Visual Studio 11 Beta (msmvps.com)
1 point by joeyespo on March 9, 2012 | past
"Magic" null argument testing in C# (msmvps.com)
2 points by joeyespo on March 5, 2012 | past
Redesigning System.Object/java.lang.Object (msmvps.com)
2 points by joeyespo on March 5, 2012 | past

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