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Openness in Internet Standards: Necessary, but Insufficient (mnot.net)
3 points by ingve 17 days ago | past
Consensus in Internet Standards (mnot.net)
5 points by todsacerdoti 58 days ago | past | 1 comment
No One Should Have That Much Power (mnot.net)
64 points by todsacerdoti 83 days ago | past | 41 comments
Considerations for AI Opt-Out (mnot.net)
3 points by ingve 3 months ago | past
Caching is often enough (2003) (mnot.net)
19 points by Tomte 3 months ago | past | 6 comments
There Are No Standards Police (mnot.net)
2 points by ingve 4 months ago | past
RFC 9518 – What can internet standards do about centralisation? (mnot.net)
108 points by Tomte 7 months ago | past | 126 comments
How to Run an Australian Web Site in 2024 (mnot.net)
4 points by robin_reala 7 months ago | past
Technical Standards Bodies Are Regulators (mnot.net)
4 points by pimterry 8 months ago | past | 1 comment
Multiplexing Changes Your HTTP APIs (mnot.net)
3 points by bobinux 11 months ago | past
How We Build Platforms (mnot.net)
1 point by jacobobryant on May 24, 2023 | past | 1 comment
Show HN: Cache Tutorial (mnot.net)
1 point by sargstuff on March 16, 2023 | past
We Build Platforms (Mark Nottingham) (mnot.net)
4 points by grappler on Feb 20, 2023 | past
What I Learned in Law School (Mark Nottingham) (mnot.net)
2 points by grappler on Jan 5, 2023 | past | 3 comments
A Safer, More Centralised Australian Internet (mnot.net)
2 points by rcarmo on Sept 13, 2022 | past
A Safer, More Centralised Australian Internet (mnot.net)
4 points by ingve on Sept 11, 2022 | past
What will a Chromium-only Web look like? (mnot.net)
267 points by dochtman on June 22, 2022 | past | 344 comments
Yet More New HTTP Specs – Mark Nottingham (mnot.net)
18 points by grappler on June 9, 2022 | past
A New Definition of HTTP (mnot.net)
40 points by ingve on June 6, 2022 | past | 10 comments
How to Read an RFC (mnot.net)
2 points by vladde on May 10, 2022 | past
Server-sent events, WebSockets, and HTTP (mnot.net)
299 points by grappler on Feb 20, 2022 | past | 94 comments
How the Next Layer of the Internet Is Going to Be Standardised (mnot.net)
70 points by kennu on June 21, 2021 | past | 14 comments
How the Next Layer of the Internet Is Going to Be Standardised (mnot.net)
3 points by grappler on June 21, 2021 | past | 1 comment
No news is a sign of a stagnating Internet (mnot.net)
2 points by edavis on Feb 18, 2021 | past
No news is a sign of a stagnating Internet (mnot.net)
2 points by robin_reala on Feb 18, 2021 | past
How to Read an RFC (2018) (mnot.net)
3 points by zdw on Oct 18, 2020 | past
RFC8890: The Internet Is for End Users (mnot.net)
306 points by pimterry on Aug 28, 2020 | past | 78 comments
What limits legal access to cloud data in Australia? (mnot.net)
3 points by sradman on June 29, 2020 | past
How to Read an RFC (mnot.net)
2 points by bewuethr on March 29, 2020 | past
Caching Tutorial (mnot.net)
2 points by prabhupant on Nov 14, 2019 | past

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