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Stupid Business Decisions: Ross Perot Blows Chance to Own Microsoft (2010) (minyanville.com)
2 points by brudgers on May 31, 2015 | past
Amazon's Stressed Out Culture Is Burning Out Employees (minyanville.com)
73 points by Flopsy on April 27, 2014 | past | 41 comments
Apple's Buttonless Mouse Came From Steve Jobs' Misunderstanding (minyanville.com)
83 points by buza on March 14, 2014 | past | 86 comments
What Bitcoin Arbitrage Can Teach Us About the Crypto-Currency (minyanville.com)
1 point by danso on Dec 14, 2013 | past
Google Chromebooks Are Deadlier to PCs Than iPads (minyanville.com)
1 point by cs702 on Oct 9, 2013 | past
Microsoft's Surface Pro 2: So Right, but So Wrong (minyanville.com)
1 point by MarlonPro on Sept 26, 2013 | past
Cloud, Mobile, Social, Dead: Will Tech Startups Survive the Next Recession? (minyanville.com)
2 points by hkarthik on Sept 4, 2013 | past
Google's All Grown Up, and That's Too Bad (minyanville.com)
3 points by shliachtx on Aug 29, 2013 | past
Breaking Google Glass Into Pieces: Production Costs and Likely Retail Price (minyanville.com)
2 points by nickkyit on Aug 23, 2013 | past
At 12 Years and Counting, Is This the Longest Play-by-Email Game Session Ever? (minyanville.com)
1 point by nickkyit on Aug 13, 2013 | past
Bank Chairman Comments on the Fine Print Case: Nobody Will Win Anything From Us (minyanville.com)
4 points by nickkyit on Aug 8, 2013 | past | 2 comments
Russian Man Changes Small Print in Credit Card Agreement, Then Sues (minyanville.com)
413 points by nickkyit on Aug 7, 2013 | past | 179 comments
Why Apple Inc. Can't Be Forgiven for iOS 7 (minyanville.com)
3 points by T-A on June 13, 2013 | past
Facebook Vs. LinkedIn: Why Both Are Facing A Sticky Question (minyanville.com)
1 point by donohoe on March 28, 2013 | past
Tech News: Will It Matter That Netflix Is Finally on Facebook? (minyanville.com)
1 point by johnr8201 on Dec 30, 2012 | past
Will 'Xbox TV' Help Microsoft Maintain Dominance in the Living Room? (minyanville.com)
1 point by namityadav on Nov 26, 2012 | past
Let's Get Physical: Google's Move Into Hardware (minyanville.com)
2 points by saurabhpalan on Nov 6, 2012 | past
Iran: As Sanctions Tighten, US Exports Go...Up? (minyanville.com)
1 point by LilaM on Oct 16, 2012 | past
Apple Faces Legal Challenge From Motorola Mobility, Court Agrees To Hear Case (minyanville.com)
1 point by message on Sept 20, 2012 | past
Why Facebook Is Too Big to Succeed (minyanville.com)
1 point by rainmaker23 on Aug 10, 2012 | past
Why FedEx and UPS Want the Postal Service to Survive (minyanville.com)
1 point by pessimizer on Aug 4, 2012 | past
The Affair Between Europe, Mobile Phones Is Ending (minyanville.com)
1 point by adventureful on June 24, 2012 | past
As China grows wealthier, must it also grow fatter? (minyanville.com)
1 point by klenwell on June 22, 2012 | past
Rejected: 5 Computer Accessories That Bombed (minyanville.com)
1 point by LilaM on May 31, 2012 | past
Mark Zuckerberg Took on the Sock Puppet and the Sock Puppet Won (minyanville.com)
3 points by LilaM on May 31, 2012 | past
Amazon Vs. eBay: A Shopper's Perspective (minyanville.com)
1 point by zengr on April 5, 2012 | past
Microsoft Makes World's Most Ethical Companies List (minyanville.com)
2 points by sytelus on March 20, 2012 | past | 1 comment
Add "Coding" to Elementary School Curriculum?.... (minyanville.com)
1 point by rutipo on Feb 15, 2012 | past
SOPA dangers to innovation in finance (minyanville.com)
2 points by rutipo on Jan 24, 2012 | past
9 Underground Economies (minyanville.com)
2 points by da02 on Dec 24, 2011 | past

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