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Your Company's Problem is Hiding in Plain Sight - High Work-In-Progress (WIP) (mdalmijn.com)
42 points by thunderbong 1 day ago | past | 43 comments
Scrum's Built-In 'Get Out of Jail Free Card' Against Criticism (mdalmijn.com)
47 points by thunderbong 41 days ago | past | 73 comments
Wasabi Scrum (mdalmijn.com)
1 point by jandeboevrie 81 days ago | past
Velocity Theater Produces Awful Meals (mdalmijn.com)
1 point by ben_s 3 months ago | past
Scrum: Failure by Design? (mdalmijn.com)
2 points by sh_tomer 10 months ago | past
Scrum: Failure by Design? (mdalmijn.com)
1 point by thunderbong 10 months ago | past
Scrum: Failure by Design? (mdalmijn.com)
4 points by mdalmijn 10 months ago | past | 2 comments
“Laws” of software estimation for complex work (2021) (mdalmijn.com)
265 points by fagnerbrack on Dec 20, 2022 | past | 146 comments
Laws of Software Estimation for Complex Work (mdalmijn.com)
2 points by kiyanwang on Sept 25, 2022 | past
Laws of Software Estimation for Complex Work (mdalmijn.com)
4 points by kiyanwang on Aug 8, 2021 | past
Signs you’re working in a Scrum Feature Factory (mdalmijn.com)
4 points by matagus on July 22, 2021 | past

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