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Kanye West, Startup Idol (madebyloren.com)
32 points by guynamedloren on Jan 21, 2014 | past | 58 comments
Too many features (madebyloren.com)
4 points by guynamedloren on Jan 13, 2014 | past
Failure (madebyloren.com)
2 points by guynamedloren on Dec 20, 2013 | past
I get it. This is why people have co-founders. (madebyloren.com)
5 points by guynamedloren on Dec 19, 2013 | past
Idea to Validation to 3,500 Signups (madebyloren.com)
3 points by guynamedloren on Oct 9, 2013 | past | 1 comment
I'm Building a GitHub for Writers (madebyloren.com)
311 points by guynamedloren on Aug 29, 2013 | past | 143 comments
My interesting experience with the TSA (madebyloren.com)
20 points by guynamedloren on Aug 10, 2013 | past | 16 comments
I quit my job (madebyloren.com)
289 points by guynamedloren on Aug 8, 2013 | past | 189 comments
How I Beat The Textbook Industry (With A Shoebox Contraption) (madebyloren.com)
18 points by guynamedloren on Aug 20, 2012 | past | 12 comments
Elon Musk's Hyperloop (madebyloren.com)
2 points by guynamedloren on July 13, 2012 | past
Excuses (madebyloren.com)
35 points by guynamedloren on July 10, 2012 | past | 19 comments
Why Instagram Is Worth $1 Billion (Or More) (madebyloren.com)
1 point by guynamedloren on May 9, 2012 | past | 1 comment
Startup Founders: It's Okay To Take A Break (And Enjoy Life) (madebyloren.com)
4 points by guynamedloren on March 27, 2012 | past
Excuses kill dreams (madebyloren.com)
2 points by guynamedloren on Feb 21, 2012 | past | 1 comment
Apps should be easy to use - my 6-year-old sister can use mine (madebyloren.com)
1 point by guynamedloren on March 1, 2011 | past | 1 comment
4-Hour Profitable Project: Viral Marketing Explained (madebyloren.com)
92 points by guynamedloren on Feb 9, 2011 | past | 28 comments
Give HN: Free project/startup idea. Please make this. (madebyloren.com)
16 points by guynamedloren on Feb 7, 2011 | past | 28 comments
The 4-Hour Startup (followup) - Building It (madebyloren.com)
50 points by guynamedloren on Feb 5, 2011 | past | 6 comments
Tell HN: The 4-Hour (Profitable) Startup - How I Did It (madebyloren.com)
78 points by guynamedloren on Feb 3, 2011 | past | 50 comments

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