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Important Changes to the JUCE End User Licence Agreement for JUCE 8 (juce.com)
1 point by luwatobil 3 months ago | past
JUCE Framework Accessibility API Preview (juce.com)
1 point by rock_artist on March 23, 2021 | past
Apple locks developer without ability to respond (juce.com)
2 points by rock_artist on July 9, 2020 | past
A very important update to the cross-platform C++ framework JUCE (juce.com)
1 point by ed95 on April 1, 2018 | past
Mobile Audio Quality Index, audio latency and glitchiness of mobiles tested (juce.com)
2 points by msekeris on Jan 26, 2018 | past
JUCE – Mobile Audio Quality Index (juce.com)
2 points by widdershins on Nov 6, 2017 | past
Juce C++ framework reaches v4 with live-coding environment (juce.com)
95 points by geoffroy on Nov 5, 2015 | past | 21 comments
JUCE acquired by Roli (juce.com)
2 points by anigbrowl on Nov 24, 2014 | past
Juce: An extensive, mature, cross-platform C++ toolkit (juce.com)
92 points by wslh on Oct 7, 2013 | past | 85 comments

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