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Why Go for Node.js Developers (jorin.me)
1 point by Syeposxr 8 months ago | past
Thoughts on Problem Solving (jorin.me)
4 points by jorin on June 25, 2023 | past | 1 comment
Migrating Data When You Never Erase History (jorin.me)
1 point by todsacerdoti on Oct 26, 2020 | past
Crux as General-Purpose Database (jorin.me)
83 points by tosh on Dec 14, 2019 | past | 7 comments
Edit Images on the Command Line with GraphicsMagick (jorin.me)
4 points by animeshk on Nov 23, 2017 | past
A subway ride home (jorin.me)
1 point by jorin on Oct 30, 2016 | past
What are your most used shell commands? (jorin.me)
3 points by jorin on July 6, 2016 | past
Only HTTPS for one month (jorin.me)
5 points by jorin on Feb 4, 2016 | past
Script to edit encrypted files (Improvments welcome) (jorin.me)
2 points by jorin on Jan 8, 2016 | past
Miniflux – Introduction to interesting ideas in React world (jorin.me)
14 points by jorin on July 5, 2015 | past
Experiments with Ruby and Go (jorin.me)
61 points by xatxat on June 14, 2015 | past | 29 comments

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