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3 things Java developers should know (javacodegeeks.com)
1 point by nikosmar on Oct 8, 2012 | past
Big Data: All Aboard the Information Bus (javacodegeeks.com)
2 points by nikosmar on Oct 5, 2012 | past
The Myth of Start Up Costs (javacodegeeks.com)
1 point by nikosmar on Oct 5, 2012 | past
Java Code Quality Tools - Overview (javacodegeeks.com)
1 point by nikosmar on Oct 1, 2012 | past
Disrupt Tech Recruiting II – So You Want Ari Gold? (javacodegeeks.com)
3 points by nikosmar on Sept 28, 2012 | past | 1 comment
Are frameworks making developers dumb? (javacodegeeks.com)
2 points by iliastsagklis on Sept 28, 2012 | past | 1 comment
Free Android books giveaway (javacodegeeks.com)
2 points by iliastsagklis on Sept 27, 2012 | past
Tear Down the Walls - Shattering Team Boundaries (javacodegeeks.com)
1 point by nikosmar on Sept 27, 2012 | past
The crystal ball illusion (javacodegeeks.com)
1 point by nikosmar on Sept 26, 2012 | past
It's Not an Issue. It's a Bug. (javacodegeeks.com)
1 point by iliastsagklis on Sept 26, 2012 | past
Is Java Dead or Invincible? (javacodegeeks.com)
1 point by nikosmar on Sept 25, 2012 | past
Do Web 2.0 Companies Really Have The Best Technical Talent? (javacodegeeks.com)
2 points by nikosmar on Sept 24, 2012 | past
How To Disrupt Technical Recruiting - Hire an Agent (javacodegeeks.com)
59 points by nikosmar on Sept 21, 2012 | past | 63 comments
TALK It’s An Interview, Not An Interrogation (javacodegeeks.com)
1 point by nikosmar on Sept 20, 2012 | past
Why IDEs are Wrong for Embedded Developers (javacodegeeks.com)
4 points by nikosmar on Sept 19, 2012 | past
Programming Like Kent Beck (javacodegeeks.com)
4 points by iliastsagklis on Sept 18, 2012 | past
Software Development tips and tricks (javacodegeeks.com)
1 point by nikosmar on Sept 18, 2012 | past
Does It Get Boring To Be A Programmer? (javacodegeeks.com)
2 points by iliastsagklis on Sept 17, 2012 | past
Don't Prioritize Features (javacodegeeks.com)
1 point by nikosmar on Sept 14, 2012 | past
Self-Taught Developers: Are You Missing Your Foundation? (javacodegeeks.com)
94 points by nikosmar on Sept 14, 2012 | past | 105 comments
Software Developers Hate Worthless Tasks (javacodegeeks.com)
1 point by iliastsagklis on Sept 14, 2012 | past
How Hackers Choose Tools (javacodegeeks.com)
2 points by nikosmar on Sept 12, 2012 | past
Agile development articles mega-list (javacodegeeks.com)
1 point by iliastsagklis on Sept 7, 2012 | past
Two For the Road: In Praise of Pair Programming (javacodegeeks.com)
2 points by kalodim on Aug 31, 2012 | past
Product Management Slowing You Down? (javacodegeeks.com)
2 points by iliastsagklis on Aug 31, 2012 | past
Product Manager - Strategic or Not? (javacodegeeks.com)
1 point by iliastsagklis on Aug 29, 2012 | past
Java memes which refuse to die (javacodegeeks.com)
35 points by iliastsagklis on Aug 27, 2012 | past | 27 comments
Overqualified is Overdiagnosed (javacodegeeks.com)
1 point by iliastsagklis on Aug 26, 2012 | past
How to win or fail when writing software: A car analogy (javacodegeeks.com)
1 point by kalodim on Aug 24, 2012 | past
Android Voice Recognition Tutorial (javacodegeeks.com)
1 point by iliastsagklis on Aug 24, 2012 | past

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