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Festivus Airing of Grievances: My Performance Pet Peeves (jabperf.com)
2 points by wheresvic4 5 months ago | past
CPU Affinity: Because Even a Single Chip Is Nonuniform (jabperf.com)
1 point by medawsonjr 6 months ago | past
Last Level Cache: Where It’s Bad to Be Inclusive (jabperf.com)
1 point by mfiguiere on April 16, 2023 | past
Game of Low Latency (jabperf.com)
2 points by curling_grad on Feb 15, 2023 | past
My Fear of Commitment to the First CPU Core (jabperf.com)
221 points by tanelpoder on Feb 13, 2023 | past | 40 comments
Hunting Down System Interrupts (jabperf.com)
2 points by ingve on Aug 24, 2022 | past
5-level vs. 4-level Page Tables: Does it Matter? (jabperf.com)
2 points by medawsonjr on June 8, 2022 | past
TLB Shootdown Analysis and Upcoming HW Support Preview (jabperf.com)
1 point by medawsonjr on May 19, 2022 | past
Debunking 5 Stubborn Systems Performance Myths (jabperf.com)
2 points by medawsonjr on May 13, 2022 | past
Not Tracking CPU IPC Along with CPU% Creates Blind Spots (jabperf.com)
2 points by medawsonjr on May 4, 2022 | past
Using Google Benchmark's Built-In PMU Counter Support (jabperf.com)
1 point by medawsonjr on April 28, 2022 | past
Memory Access Patterns and New Year’s Resolutions (jabperf.com)
1 point by g0xA52A2A on Jan 9, 2022 | past
“Noisy Neighbor Effect” and Ways of Handling It (jabperf.com)
2 points by wheresvic4 on Sept 22, 2021 | past

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