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Why Windows Me deserves more respect (2008) (istartedsomething.com)
1 point by whereistimbo on Dec 18, 2020 | past | 2 comments
Y Combinator is funding the future of spam in Windows (2013) (istartedsomething.com)
2 points by simonebrunozzi on July 30, 2020 | past
Whoever did this at Apple, I tip my hat to you (istartedsomething.com)
11 points by locusm on Sept 18, 2014 | past | 1 comment
Google Chrome 35 beta adds much needed DirectWrite font rendering on Windows (istartedsomething.com)
3 points by ghosh on July 15, 2014 | past
The 12 step process to download Microsoft SQL Server Express 2014 (istartedsomething.com)
88 points by martinml on June 16, 2014 | past | 35 comments
Google Chrome 35 beta adds much needed DirectWrite font rendering on Windows (istartedsomething.com)
4 points by bpierre on May 21, 2014 | past
Chrome 35 Beta adds DirectWrite font rendering on Windows (istartedsomething.com)
3 points by Daiz on May 14, 2014 | past | 2 comments
Windows Phone Store rankings appears to be manipulated with bots (istartedsomething.com)
1 point by longzheng on March 15, 2014 | past
Google Docs + HTML/JS = auto updating TV kiosk presentation (istartedsomething.com)
1 point by longzheng on June 18, 2013 | past
I made a test page to see the new Google Maps style (istartedsomething.com)
1 point by longzheng on May 16, 2013 | past | 1 comment
Did the cancellation of Microsoft Courier demotivate 200 employees? (istartedsomething.com)
1 point by yread on April 15, 2013 | past
Y Combinator is funding the future of spam in Windows (istartedsomething.com)
1065 points by longzheng on Jan 15, 2013 | past | 455 comments
How a Windows Phone Store bug broke SoundGecko for 3 months (istartedsomething.com)
1 point by 1880 on Dec 15, 2012 | past
Windows 8 UI vision mockups from 2010 (istartedsomething.com)
1 point by susanhi on Nov 20, 2012 | past
Microsoft Research to ship Kinect Browser JS lib for Kinect-enabled websites (istartedsomething.com)
2 points by kevinSuttle on Nov 14, 2012 | past
The Mad Science Behind KinectFusion (istartedsomething.com)
2 points by KirshHacker on Aug 27, 2012 | past
Microsoft’s new rule: no “Metro”-named apps (istartedsomething.com)
2 points by jhack on Aug 15, 2012 | past
Sensor-based photo deblurring: from Coke cans to aerial imagery (istartedsomething.com)
2 points by ot on May 1, 2012 | past
Windows 8's application SmartScreen: speed bump for desktop apps (istartedsomething.com)
2 points by 1880 on March 1, 2012 | past
Razorfish raises the bar for Microsoft-based connected retail experience (istartedsomething.com)
1 point by joeyespo on Jan 27, 2012 | past
When “smart” technology is dumb: Intel's power saving "feature" (istartedsomething.com)
2 points by cek on Sept 20, 2011 | past
Short: Some of what Microsoft didn’t show of Windows 8 – istartedsomething (istartedsomething.com)
1 point by eaxitect on Sept 14, 2011 | past
Fixing capacitive buttons (istartedsomething.com)
1 point by shawndumas on Aug 12, 2011 | past
The science behind Bing Vision 2D object recognition – istartedsomething (istartedsomething.com)
1 point by awa on July 29, 2011 | past
Dissecting the Windows 8 touch UI demo from D9 (istartedsomething.com)
1 point by ot on June 2, 2011 | past
First look at the future of application deployment on Windows 8: AppX (istartedsomething.com)
3 points by taylorbuley on April 5, 2011 | past
Windows 8 to feature a Dropbox-like sync in Windows Explorer (istartedsomething.com)
1 point by moblivu on April 4, 2011 | past | 2 comments
Nano-coating technology: water-repellent on steroids (istartedsomething.com)
1 point by gspyrou on Feb 17, 2011 | past
Microsoft's new slogan gets official (istartedsomething.com)
1 point by Uncle_Sam on Nov 9, 2010 | past
Microsoft PDC10 attendees get free Windows Phone 7 (istartedsomething.com)
1 point by swilliams on Oct 28, 2010 | past

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