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The Templeton Compression and the Sales Ready Product (inkling.com)
1 point by gk1 on Dec 13, 2016 | past
Why Google Changed the Forgetting Curve (inkling.com)
1 point by gk1 on Dec 13, 2016 | past
The Templeton Compression and the Sales Ready Product (inkling.com)
1 point by mostafah on July 18, 2016 | past
HTML5's Drag and Drop Problem (inkling.com)
5 points by aashay on Oct 22, 2013 | past
Show HN: Remove redundant synthesize directives from your Objective-C code (inkling.com)
2 points by aashay on July 24, 2013 | past
Show HN: Objective-C Integration Tests using Subliminal (inkling.com)
3 points by aashay on June 11, 2013 | past
Show HN: Leaving jQuery behind with Backbone.Native (inkling.com)
13 points by loganfsmyth on May 28, 2013 | past | 4 comments
A Hacker's Guide to Habitat: Part 1 (inkling.com)
9 points by aashay on April 12, 2013 | past
Inkling HTML5 collaborative authoring environment named Habitat now available (inkling.com)
2 points by phren0logy on Feb 27, 2013 | past
Show HN: Inkling's Habitat (now public) (inkling.com)
2 points by 2pointsomone on Feb 12, 2013 | past
Unseating the Giant: Amazon, Inkling, and the rise of a new product model. (inkling.com)
2 points by night_fury on Jan 16, 2013 | past
O'Reilly books launched on Inkling (iPad, iPhone & Web) (inkling.com)
29 points by stevehollaar on Sept 5, 2012 | past | 21 comments
Inkling for Everyone (inkling.com)
1 point by ryannielsen on May 30, 2012 | past
Reinventing the Printing Press (inkling.com)
23 points by Me1000 on Feb 14, 2012 | past | 4 comments
Inkling CEO, Matt MacInnis: A Rising Tide (inkling.com)
1 point by bearpaws on Jan 20, 2012 | past
The Death of Textbooks, the Dawn of Learning (inkling.com)
3 points by stephenou on Sept 24, 2010 | past | 1 comment
Inkling: interactive textbooks on the iPad. (inkling.com)
65 points by shadytrees on Aug 22, 2010 | past | 32 comments

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