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Show HN: Visualizing Maps in R^3 (iambeef.com)
45 points by slushy-chivalry on May 30, 2020 | past | 9 comments
Show HN: Unit Conversion Calculator (iambeef.com)
3 points by slushy-chivalry on Feb 5, 2020 | past
Show HN: Polynomial Guessing Game (iambeef.com)
1 point by slushy-chivalry on July 4, 2019 | past
Show HN: A tribute to retro turn-based browser fighting games (iambeef.com)
1 point by slushy-chivalry on June 24, 2019 | past
Made this simple spending simulator for p2w mobile games (iambeef.com)
1 point by slushy-chivalry on June 20, 2019 | past

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