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Data Science Rosetta Stone: Classification in R, Python, Matlab, SAS, Julia (heatonresearch.com)
61 points by jeffheaton on Aug 17, 2017 | past | 10 comments
Using TensorFlow in Windows with a GPU (heatonresearch.com)
70 points by rcarmo on Jan 8, 2017 | past | 27 comments
Neural Networks in Javascript (heatonresearch.com)
3 points by vkhuc on Jan 30, 2014 | past
Benchmark Encog Feedforward Neural Network in Javascript (heatonresearch.com)
2 points by danboarder on July 2, 2013 | past
A Non-Mathematical Introduction to Using Neural Networks (heatonresearch.com)
54 points by Anon84 on June 9, 2010 | past | 10 comments
[Book Review] Introduction to Neural Networks for Java, 2nd Edition (heatonresearch.com)
1 point by Anon84 on Oct 2, 2008 | past

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