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How Neglecting Minorities in Medical Research Has Led to Deadly Outcomes (hdphealth.com)
171 points by blaurenceclark on Jan 11, 2018 | past | 141 comments
Open Sourcing My Personal Medical Record (hdphealth.com)
103 points by blaurenceclark on May 4, 2017 | past | 79 comments
Interview with Rap Genius founder Mahbod Moghadam about his brain cancer (hdphealth.com)
27 points by blaurenceclark on April 6, 2016 | past | 7 comments
How Certain Forms of Oxygen Can Worsen the Effects of Diabetes (hdphealth.com)
1 point by blaurenceclark on March 8, 2016 | past
Why huge gains in drug discovery tech have led to longer drug development times (hdphealth.com)
73 points by blaurenceclark on March 4, 2016 | past | 30 comments
Show HN: Medical Research Summarizer – Complex research as simple summaries (hdphealth.com)
62 points by blaurenceclark on Feb 18, 2016 | past | 34 comments
Show HN: Making Research Abstracts Readable for the Common Person (hdphealth.com)
3 points by kumarski on Feb 12, 2016 | past

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