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SAGE: The Most Important Computer You've Never Heard Of (getpocket.com)
3 points by cpeterso 6 months ago | past | 1 comment
When Light Flashes for a Quintillionth of a Second, Things Get Weird (getpocket.com)
2 points by throwoutway 8 months ago | past
Too Many Jobs Feel Meaningless Because They Are (getpocket.com)
40 points by galaxyLogic on Aug 9, 2021 | past | 24 comments
How the Ballpoint Pen Killed Cursive (getpocket.com)
4 points by rainhacker on May 2, 2021 | past
The Quantum Thermodynamics Revolution (getpocket.com)
2 points by ColinWright on March 24, 2021 | past
Quantum Leaps, Long Assumed to Be Instantaneous, Take Time (getpocket.com)
2 points by ColinWright on Jan 13, 2021 | past | 2 comments
Japanese Fasting Study Reveals Complex Metabolic Changes in the Human Body (getpocket.com)
2 points by TerminalWarrior on Dec 2, 2020 | past
The Mysterious Bronze Objects That Have Baffled Archaeologists for Centuries (getpocket.com)
2 points by ColinWright on Nov 27, 2020 | past
Can Science Explain Religion? (getpocket.com)
1 point by galaxyLogic on Aug 28, 2020 | past
Economists on the Run (getpocket.com)
1 point by siberianbear on July 18, 2020 | past
I’m a Developer. I Won’t Teach My Kids to Code, and Neither Should You (2018) (getpocket.com)
60 points by dijit on June 7, 2020 | past | 84 comments
The U.S. Has Forgotten How to Do Infrastructure (getpocket.com)
4 points by mancerayder on May 29, 2020 | past
No One Wants Your Used Clothes Anymore (getpocket.com)
2 points by chaostheory on May 11, 2020 | past
No One Wants Your Used Clothes Anymore (getpocket.com)
3 points by blueatlas on May 11, 2020 | past
Towing an Iceberg: One Captain’s Plan to Bring Drinking Water to 4M People (getpocket.com)
2 points by SQL2219 on Jan 15, 2020 | past
English Is Not Normal (getpocket.com)
1 point by david927 on Sept 18, 2019 | past
Fanta Was Created for Nazi Germany (getpocket.com)
7 points by eplanit on Aug 15, 2019 | past | 1 comment
After the Retail Apocalypse, Prepare for the Property Tax Meltdown (getpocket.com)
2 points by lxm on June 2, 2019 | past
Understanding Your Circadian Code Can Change Your Life (getpocket.com)
1 point by lxm on Feb 1, 2019 | past
The World’s Most Efficient Languages (getpocket.com)
3 points by lxm on Nov 30, 2018 | past
Scientists agree: Coffee naps are better than coffee or naps alone (getpocket.com)
2 points by zimbu668 on Nov 29, 2018 | past | 1 comment
Stay Confident During Your Job Search Focusing on the Process (getpocket.com)
3 points by sathvikl on Nov 21, 2018 | past
Why I Hope to Die at 75 (getpocket.com)
2 points by gnulinux on Nov 21, 2018 | past
Secrets of the Creative Brain (getpocket.com)
2 points by malshe on Nov 20, 2018 | past
How the Ballpoint Pen Killed Cursive (getpocket.com)
5 points by JoeDaDude on Nov 17, 2018 | past | 1 comment
The Purpose of Life Is Not Happiness: It’s Usefulness (getpocket.com)
2 points by gscott on Nov 15, 2018 | past
How to Disagree with Someone More Powerful Than You (getpocket.com)
1 point by docker_up on Nov 13, 2018 | past
Why So Many Smart People Aren’t Happy (getpocket.com)
10 points by docker_up on Nov 13, 2018 | past | 4 comments
The Fermi Paradox – Wait but Why – Pocket (getpocket.com)
1 point by sdeepak on Nov 1, 2018 | past
Physics of Productivity: Newton’s Laws of Getting Stuff Done (getpocket.com)
2 points by bushido on Oct 30, 2018 | past

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