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Commercial Open-Source: Interview with Luca Passani (futuretext.com)
2 points by szabgab on Nov 28, 2012 | past | 1 comment
Sun Tzu, Android and Water (futuretext.com)
1 point by miraj on Dec 29, 2010 | past
Harnessing Digital footprints: The dark side of Web 2.0 (futuretext.com)
1 point by zeedotme on June 9, 2009 | past
Tip for mobile ideas: Find out what's banned (futuretext.com)
1 point by danw on Sept 17, 2007 | past
Web 2.0 revenue models (futuretext.com)
3 points by jwecker on March 1, 2007 | past
The Long tail and Mobile Web 2.0 applications (futuretext.com)
6 points by eli on Feb 23, 2007 | past | 1 comment

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