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T-shirts as sms instructions (folksonomy.org)
1 point by bootload on Aug 20, 2007 | past | 1 comment
An Assortment of Venture Capital Links (folksonomy.org)
1 point by wendyp on June 13, 2007 | past
Frightening graphs of how Xanga got eaten by Myspace and Facebook (folksonomy.org)
1 point by farmer on June 9, 2007 | past
Interview with Craigslist (folksonomy.org)
1 point by dawie on June 4, 2007 | past
Tips for Naming Web 2.0 Startups (folksonomy.org)
5 points by bootload on April 21, 2007 | past | 7 comments
Interview with Matt Mullenweg, founder of WordPress (folksonomy.org)
2 points by danielha on March 19, 2007 | past
Interview with 17 year old founder of Quizlet (folksonomy.org)
11 points by danielha on March 5, 2007 | past
Interview with reddit (part 2) (folksonomy.org)
20 points by danielha on March 1, 2007 | past | 2 comments

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