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MemLab – An open source JavaScript memory leak testing framework from Meta (facebookincubator.github.io)
6 points by mrsharpoblunto on Sept 12, 2022 | past
Clang IR (CIR): A New IR for Clang (facebookincubator.github.io)
79 points by fcambus on June 28, 2022 | past | 15 comments
Facebook Open-Sources FBT: An Intl Framework with JavaScript & JSX APIs (facebookincubator.github.io)
2 points by davnicwil on Jan 4, 2019 | past
FBT – An internationalization framework (facebookincubator.github.io)
2 points by stablemap on Jan 3, 2019 | past
Prophet: Forecasting at scale [pdf] (facebookincubator.github.io)
3 points by gabber12 on July 29, 2017 | past
A set of efficient persistent immutable data structures for Reason and OCaml (facebookincubator.github.io)
86 points by gfosco on March 28, 2017 | past | 46 comments
React VR (facebookincubator.github.io)
235 points by angrydev on March 14, 2017 | past | 109 comments
React VR: A framework for building VR apps using React (facebookincubator.github.io)
3 points by lobo_tuerto on March 14, 2017 | past
Facebook's completely automated forecasting project (facebookincubator.github.io)
3 points by ckdarby on March 7, 2017 | past
Prophet is a procedure for forecasting time series data (facebookincubator.github.io)
4 points by kermatt on Feb 25, 2017 | past
Prophet – Forecasting at scale in R and Python (facebookincubator.github.io)
3 points by sornars on Feb 24, 2017 | past
Exerslide - A framework to create React-based HTML presentations and tutorials (facebookincubator.github.io)
2 points by tilt on Sept 1, 2016 | past

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