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Machiavelli I – S.P.Q.F. (Begins Machiavelli Series) (2012) (exurbe.com)
1 point by Tomte 3 months ago | past
Tools for Thinking About Censorship (exurbe.com)
3 points by cratermoon 4 months ago | past
Tools for Thinking About Censorship (exurbe.com)
15 points by Arnt 5 months ago | past | 5 comments
Stoicism's Appeal to the Rich and Powerful – Ex Urbe (exurbe.com)
2 points by janandonly 7 months ago | past | 1 comment
I Teach Machiavelli Through His Letters (2021) (exurbe.com)
3 points by Tomte on Dec 23, 2022 | past
All People Are Created Educable (exurbe.com)
1 point by paol on Nov 19, 2022 | past
The Shape of Rome (2013) (exurbe.com)
2 points by ecliptik on Nov 14, 2022 | past
Machiavelli I – S.P.Q.F (2012) (exurbe.com)
23 points by dash2 on Jan 22, 2022 | past | 4 comments
We Keep Telling the Myth of a Renaissance Golden Age and Bad Middle Ages (2020) (exurbe.com)
155 points by diodorus on April 13, 2021 | past | 187 comments
The Shape of Rome (2013) (exurbe.com)
204 points by simonebrunozzi on April 11, 2021 | past | 41 comments
The Shape of Rome (exurbe.com)
3 points by simonebrunozzi on April 8, 2021 | past
Teaching Machiavelli through his letters (exurbe.com)
135 points by Tomte on April 5, 2021 | past | 33 comments
Who We Think Has the Power to Change the World? (exurbe.com)
1 point by telotortium on March 2, 2021 | past
Stoicism’s Appeal to the Rich and Powerful (exurbe.com)
2 points by Karrot_Kream on Feb 12, 2021 | past
Stoicism’s Appeal to the Rich and Powerful (exurbe.com)
1 point by roflc0ptic on Sept 30, 2020 | past
We Keep Telling the Myth of a Renaissance Golden Age and Bad Middle Ages (exurbe.com)
3 points by Ballu on Sept 28, 2020 | past
Black Death, Covid, and Why We Keep Telling the Myth of a Renaissance Golden Age (exurbe.com)
3 points by QuesnayJr on July 5, 2020 | past
Stoicism’s Appeal to the Rich and Powerful (exurbe.com)
2 points by cairo_x on June 27, 2020 | past
Why We Keep Telling the Myth of a Renaissance Golden Age and Bad Middle Ages (exurbe.com)
4 points by luu on June 22, 2020 | past
Black Death, Covid, and Why We Keep Telling the Myth of a Renaissance Golden Age (exurbe.com)
1 point by gongador on June 13, 2020 | past
Black Death, Covid, and Why We Keep Telling the Myth of a Renaissance Golden Age (exurbe.com)
2 points by adrianhoward on June 6, 2020 | past
Black Death, Covid, and Why We Keep Telling the Myth of a Renaissance Golden Age (exurbe.com)
2 points by paol on June 6, 2020 | past
Machiavelli I: the invention of political studies (exurbe.com)
2 points by nl on May 6, 2020 | past
Thoughts on a Bad Pain Day and How Teamwork Accumulates (exurbe.com)
2 points by luu on Dec 23, 2019 | past
Accuracy in Historical Fiction (2013) (exurbe.com)
24 points by luu on Dec 22, 2019 | past | 7 comments
Stoicism's Appeal to the Rich and Powerful (exurbe.com)
102 points by fanf2 on March 28, 2019 | past | 118 comments
Accuracy in historical fiction (exurbe.com)
3 points by luu on Feb 21, 2018 | past
The Shape of Rome (2013) (exurbe.com)
141 points by throwaway8184 on Nov 10, 2017 | past | 14 comments
On crimes and punishments, torture and retribution, deterrence and Beccaria (exurbe.com)
1 point by fanf2 on Aug 25, 2017 | past
On progress and historical change (exurbe.com)
1 point by fanf2 on Aug 25, 2017 | past

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