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Will BPG will replace GIFs? (eek.ro)
3 points by harshamv22 on Aug 2, 2020 | past | 2 comments
How to serve your blog to a quarter million readers without paying a penny (eek.ro)
7 points by Eek on Aug 23, 2016 | past
Show HN: JSON to JSDoc Converter (eek.ro)
8 points by Eek on April 4, 2016 | past | 2 comments
Why BPG will replace GIFs and more (eek.ro)
173 points by antouank on Jan 26, 2016 | past | 117 comments
BPG (BetterPortableGraphics) allows for GIFs 50% smaller than an MP4 conversion (eek.ro)
3 points by schmm on Oct 28, 2015 | past
Why BPG will replace GIFs and not only (eek.ro)
6 points by ramswaroop on Oct 27, 2015 | past
Why BPG will replace GIFs and not only (eek.ro)
7 points by Eek on Oct 23, 2015 | past | 3 comments

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