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A Holden Caulfield Chatbot Helped My Students Develop AI Literacy (edsurge.com)
1 point by sabrina_ramonov 80 days ago | past
Can Using a Grammar Checker Set Off AI-Detection Software? (edsurge.com)
1 point by speckx 5 months ago | past
Technologist Spent Years Building an AI Chatbot Tutor, Decided It Can't Be Done (edsurge.com)
2 points by SLHamlet 7 months ago | past
Do Chatbot Tutors Work Better When They're Upbeat – and Female? (edsurge.com)
1 point by jyosim12 on April 27, 2023 | past
Do I own my domain if you grade it? (2015) (edsurge.com)
1 point by cxr on Jan 13, 2023 | past
Comp Sci Is Growing in K-12 Schools, but Access Doesn’t Equal Participation (edsurge.com)
2 points by sizzle on Oct 3, 2022 | past
Facebook Seems to Be Adding Video-Course Features (edsurge.com)
2 points by jyosim12 on June 14, 2022 | past
Who would want a 'middle skill' career? We can do better (edsurge.com)
1 point by jyosim12 on March 22, 2022 | past
Coding Teaches Virtuous Skills Like Patience (edsurge.com)
5 points by jamesdco on March 13, 2022 | past
Can Critic of Edtech Change a Controversial Homework-Help Site from the Inside? (edsurge.com)
2 points by jyosim12 on Feb 4, 2022 | past
After a For-Profit Company Bought EdX – What Happens Next? (edsurge.com)
7 points by signa11 on Sept 20, 2021 | past
Let’s Teach Computer Science Majors to Be Good Citizens (edsurge.com)
2 points by nnachi on May 25, 2021 | past | 1 comment
Recalibrating Our Approach to Misinformation (edsurge.com)
3 points by nabla9 on Feb 14, 2021 | past
U. Of Florida Asks Students to Use App to Report Profs Who Don‘t Teach in Person (edsurge.com)
26 points by polarbeans on Jan 16, 2021 | past | 5 comments
The Edtech Company Formerly Known as AltSchool Sold Its Tech. So What’s Left? (edsurge.com)
1 point by mbateman on Jan 15, 2021 | past
What the Edtech Industry Should Know About the Worst Parts of Remote Learning (edsurge.com)
1 point by modernlearner on Oct 28, 2020 | past
Why more college students are turning to cheating, and finding creepy proctoring (edsurge.com)
2 points by jyosim2 on Oct 6, 2020 | past
Underappreciated No More: A Free Edtech Platform Shines as Schools Go Remote (edsurge.com)
2 points by NoRagrets on Aug 25, 2020 | past
How Colleges Should Help Close the Digital Divide in the Covid-Era (edsurge.com)
1 point by Sumitmic on July 14, 2020 | past
The New Revenue Source Catching on with Game-Based Learning: Mom and Dad (2019) (edsurge.com)
1 point by spking on March 16, 2020 | past
Employers Pay for Job Referrals. Now Job Seekers Can, Too (edsurge.com)
3 points by hhs on Feb 19, 2020 | past
Job Seekers Pay for Job Referrals (edsurge.com)
2 points by sjunlee on Feb 14, 2020 | past | 1 comment
What happened to Google's effort to scan university library books? (2017) (edsurge.com)
204 points by RyanShook on Feb 13, 2020 | past | 46 comments
Why the ‘Best’ Ideas in Education Technology and Reform Don’t Win (edsurge.com)
2 points by hhs on Feb 5, 2020 | past
K12 Eyes Further Deals After $165M Acquisition of Coding Bootcamp Galvanize (edsurge.com)
1 point by diN0bot on Jan 29, 2020 | past
Coding Can Be a Gift to Struggling Students. Let’s Give It to Them (edsurge.com)
1 point by hos234 on Dec 4, 2019 | past
Amazon Starts Marketplace for Teachers to Sell Online Educational Resources (edsurge.com)
1 point by hhs on Nov 21, 2019 | past
Speech-to-Text Tech Leads to 17% Higher Grades (edsurge.com)
2 points by bgrynol on Aug 15, 2019 | past
When an Online Teaching Job Becomes a Window into Child Abuse (edsurge.com)
1 point by Balgair on July 22, 2019 | past
When online teaching becomes a window into child abuse (edsurge.com)
5 points by GCA10 on July 17, 2019 | past

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