| | The High Price of Cell Phones (2007) (donhodges.com) | |
1 point by Bluestein on Feb 17, 2021 | past | 1 comment
| | A Prayer to the Global Corporate Gods (donhodges.com) | |
3 points by Bluestein on Feb 14, 2021 | past | 1 comment
| | The Journey to Find and Analyze Pac Man’s Misterious Split Screen Final Level (donhodges.com) | |
1 point by Bluestein on Feb 14, 2021 | past | 1 comment
| | Controlling the Barrels in Donkey Kong (donhodges.com) | |
66 points by sp332 on April 3, 2015 | past | 8 comments
| | The Journey to Find, Analyze, and Fix Pac Man’s Split Screen (2007) (donhodges.com) | |
37 points by grouchysmurf on Nov 25, 2014 | past
| | Donkey Kong Lays an Easter Egg (2009) (donhodges.com) | |
2 points by Mithrandir on Jan 19, 2014 | past
| | Pac Man’s split screen bug analyzed and fixed (2011) (donhodges.com) | |
9 points by daxelrod on July 9, 2013 | past | 1 comment
2 points by duck on Feb 14, 2013 | past
| | Galaga's level wraparound bug, analysed and fixed. (donhodges.com) | |
3 points by _b8r0 on Dec 5, 2010 | past
| | A modulo arithmetic error in PacMan's ghost AI? (donhodges.com) | |
50 points by RiderOfGiraffes on Dec 4, 2010 | past | 5 comments
| | Retrogame hackers patch bug in 1980 arcade classic 'Phoenix' (donhodges.com) | |
1 point by terra_t on Feb 17, 2010 | past
| | How high can you get: Fixing the Donkey Kong kill screen (donhodges.com) | |
5 points by e1ven on June 17, 2009 | past
| | The Journey to Find, Analyze, and Fix Pac Man’s Split Screen (donhodges.com) | |
1 point by hhm on Aug 28, 2008 | past
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