| | Optimal Bluffing Strategies in Poker (1971) [pdf] (denizyuret.com) | |
2 points by jruohonen on Nov 29, 2023 | past
| | Combinatorial Algorithms [pdf] (denizyuret.com) | |
2 points by kiril-me on Aug 16, 2018 | past
| | Knet: beginning deep learning with 100 lines of Julia [pdf] (denizyuret.com) | |
4 points by sndean on Dec 11, 2016 | past
| | Introducing Knet8: Beginning Deep Learning with 100 Lines of Julia (denizyuret.com) | |
5 points by YAFZ on Nov 14, 2016 | past
| | Introducing Knet8: beginning deep learning with 100 lines of Julia (denizyuret.com) | |
2 points by milvakili on Sept 26, 2016 | past
| | Beginning deep learning with 500 lines of Julia (denizyuret.com) | |
142 points by milvakili on Feb 28, 2015 | past | 17 comments
| | Machine learning in 10 pictures (denizyuret.com) | |
1 point by vinchuco on March 30, 2014 | past
| | Machine learning in 10 pictures (denizyuret.com) | |
12 points by YAFZ on March 3, 2014 | past
| | Pitfalls of studying language in isolation (denizyuret.com) | |
2 points by aydinhan on May 22, 2013 | past
| | Math Problems, Maybe Suitable for Interviews (denizyuret.com) | |
2 points by mdlm on April 14, 2013 | past
| | Plausibility vs. Inference (denizyuret.com) | |
2 points by cateye on Jan 3, 2011 | past | 1 comment
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