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OpenBSD Extreme Privacy Setup (dataswamp.org)
51 points by upofadown 25 days ago | past | 6 comments
OpenBSD scripts to convert wg-quick VPN files (dataswamp.org)
16 points by zdw 67 days ago | past
Lessons Learned with XZ Vulnerability (dataswamp.org)
3 points by xk_id 3 months ago | past
Some OpenBSD features that aren't widely known (dataswamp.org)
165 points by zdw 4 months ago | past | 38 comments
NovaCustom NV41 Laptop Review (dataswamp.org)
1 point by eirikurh 6 months ago | past
OpenBSD Workstation Hardening (dataswamp.org)
149 points by upofadown 6 months ago | past | 81 comments
OpenBSD in a CI Environment with Sourcehut (dataswamp.org)
3 points by solene 7 months ago | past
Port of the Week: Presenting Syncthing (dataswamp.org)
1 point by upofadown 8 months ago | past
Turning a 15 years old laptop into a children proof retrogaming station (dataswamp.org)
47 points by zoidb 9 months ago | past | 12 comments
Introduction to Immutable Linux Systems (dataswamp.org)
362 points by InitEnabler 9 months ago | past | 160 comments
The Utopian Sickness (dataswamp.org)
2 points by lich-tex 10 months ago | past
Introduction to Immutable Linux Systems (dataswamp.org)
3 points by amardeep 11 months ago | past
Why one would use Qubes OS? (dataswamp.org)
2 points by upofadown on June 22, 2023 | past
The Old Computer Challenge V3 (dataswamp.org)
3 points by ecliptik on June 4, 2023 | past
How to Install Nix in a Qubes OS AppVM (dataswamp.org)
2 points by solene on May 18, 2023 | past
Stream your desktop audio to Android (or any other device) (dataswamp.org)
1 point by solene on May 9, 2023 | past
Set up your own CalDAV and CardDAV servers on OpenBSD (dataswamp.org)
2 points by solene on April 27, 2023 | past
Trying some Linux distributions to free my Steam Deck (dataswamp.org)
3 points by solene on April 21, 2023 | past
How to setup a local network cache for Flatpak (dataswamp.org)
2 points by solene on April 9, 2023 | past
Monitor your remote host network quality using smokeping on OpenBSD (dataswamp.org)
1 point by solene on March 29, 2023 | past
Solene'%: L'État m'impose Google (ou Apple) (dataswamp.org)
1 point by solene on March 17, 2023 | past
Linux $Home Encryption with Ecryptfs (dataswamp.org)
2 points by solene on March 12, 2023 | past
Using GitHub Actions to maintain Gentoo packages repository (dataswamp.org)
1 point by solene on March 4, 2023 | past
Lightweight data monitoring using rrdtool (dataswamp.org)
3 points by solene on Feb 16, 2023 | past
The Old Computer Challenge (dataswamp.org)
53 points by pabs3 on Feb 5, 2023 | past | 33 comments
Fossil Version Control Software (dataswamp.org)
2 points by solene on Jan 29, 2023 | past
How to Boot on a Btrfs Snapshot (dataswamp.org)
1 point by solene on Jan 4, 2023 | past
Solene'%: Booting Gentoo on a Btrfs from Multiple LUKS Devices (dataswamp.org)
2 points by solene on Jan 2, 2023 | past
Solene'%: Export Flatpak programs from a computer to another (dataswamp.org)
2 points by solene on Jan 1, 2023 | past
Authentication Gateway with SSH on OpenBSD (dataswamp.org)
1 point by hucste on Dec 2, 2022 | past

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