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New Study Suggests Dark Comets May Have Brought Water to Earth (dailygalaxy.com)
2 points by croes 9 days ago | past | discuss
Extreme Solar Blasts and Weak Magnetic Fields Threaten Life on Earth (dailygalaxy.com)
1 point by Brajeshwar 17 days ago | past | 1 comment
NASA Releases New White Papers on Moon to Mars Architecture (dailygalaxy.com)
2 points by Brajeshwar 19 days ago | past
Pop Goes the Cosmos (dailygalaxy.com)
2 points by mskzri007 on Sept 29, 2021 | past
“The Yeti” –A Monster Galaxy Accidentally Discovered at Dawn of the Universe (dailygalaxy.com)
1 point by mskzri007 on Sept 15, 2021 | past
Primordial Black Holes May Flood the Universe to Planets (dailygalaxy.com)
1 point by mskzri007 on Sept 1, 2021 | past
“Station of Extreme Light” New Laser Can Tear Apart the Fabric of Spacetime (dailygalaxy.com)
15 points by neom on May 31, 2021 | past | 4 comments
Dark-Matter Storm Is Speeding Toward Our Solar System (dailygalaxy.com)
14 points by awb on May 10, 2021 | past
Eerie Hawking Point implications – 'Corpses of black holes from before Big Bang' (dailygalaxy.com)
3 points by bookofjoe on Oct 26, 2020 | past
“Supersharp Vision” –First Exoplanet Discovered by Radio Telescope (dailygalaxy.com)
1 point by elorant on Aug 5, 2020 | past
Milky Way Neutron Star System Baffles Astronomers (dailygalaxy.com)
1 point by bryanrasmussen on May 20, 2020 | past
“Coincidence?” –Climate Change May Have Powered Evolution of Human Intelligence (dailygalaxy.com)
1 point by BerislavLopac on Feb 18, 2020 | past | 1 comment
“The Unknown Question” – The End (dailygalaxy.com)
1 point by hhs on Oct 23, 2019 | past
“Sagittarius a* Our Galaxy's Black Hole Suddenly Flashing 75-Times Brighter (dailygalaxy.com)
2 points by HNLurker2 on Aug 12, 2019 | past
New Habitable Kepler World –“Human Eyes Found It Hidden in the Data” (dailygalaxy.com)
2 points by FlyMoreRockets on Jan 8, 2019 | past
Which Came First? Galaxies or Supermassive Black Holes (dailygalaxy.com)
1 point by okket on Sept 21, 2018 | past
The Really Big One (dailygalaxy.com)
3 points by spking on Aug 6, 2018 | past
Searching, Hoping, for New Physics (dailygalaxy.com)
1 point by meri_dian on Dec 31, 2017 | past
“We Exist in a Cyclical Universe” --Chinese Scientists Measure Cosmic Expansion (dailygalaxy.com)
3 points by joeyespo on Nov 4, 2017 | past
“Acceleration of Our Universe May Not Be Real” --Royal Astronomical Society (dailygalaxy.com)
2 points by okket on Sept 14, 2017 | past
Europe's Supervolcano, Campi Flegrei, Is at Critical Level (dailygalaxy.com)
1 point by elorant on July 25, 2017 | past
Astronomers on Alert --“Strangest Star in the Milky Way Dimming Again This Week” (dailygalaxy.com)
4 points by elorant on May 21, 2017 | past
MIT Creates AI Able to See Two Seconds into the Future (dailygalaxy.com)
6 points by ThomPete on Nov 30, 2016 | past
“Speed of Light Was Faster in the Early Universe” --Theory Soon to Be Tested (dailygalaxy.com)
2 points by ourmandave on Nov 27, 2016 | past
Our Solar System “Is in a Unique Place in the Universe – Just Right for Life” (dailygalaxy.com)
1 point by DanielBMarkham on Aug 26, 2016 | past
ESO: “The First Direct Image of an Alien Star System's Planet” (dailygalaxy.com)
1 point by curtis on June 15, 2016 | past | 1 comment
SETI – The Next Ten Years (dailygalaxy.com)
46 points by elorant on June 12, 2016 | past | 7 comments
“Quantum Entanglement in Space” --A New Global Satellite-Based Quantum Network (dailygalaxy.com)
1 point by neverminder on June 3, 2016 | past
“Space is 4D” – Theory Claims that Time is Not the 4th Dimension (dailygalaxy.com)
1 point by weatherlight on May 31, 2016 | past
Searching for Aliens Using Light Signals (dailygalaxy.com)
1 point by elorant on May 18, 2016 | past

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