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Architecture Maestro from Now On (currentlyobsessed.com)
2 points by jheitzeb on March 22, 2023 | past
Developing a coding habit in a 12 year old (currentlyobsessed.com)
3 points by jheitzeb on Sept 16, 2022 | past
DALL·E 2 Generations in the style of Banksy (currentlyobsessed.com)
1 point by jheitzeb on July 5, 2022 | past
I just got access to DALL·E 2 and here are my first few results (currentlyobsessed.com)
67 points by jheitzeb on July 2, 2022 | past | 32 comments
“Please help me understand the value of working with a VC” (currentlyobsessed.com)
4 points by webwright on April 6, 2015 | past
What are you passionate about in a company? (currentlyobsessed.com)
14 points by kirillzubovsky on Feb 28, 2013 | past | 5 comments
Use Google Docs to Get Continuous User Feedback (currentlyobsessed.com)
3 points by rglover on Sept 7, 2011 | past
Didn't Get Into TechStars? Don't Sweat it (currentlyobsessed.com)
35 points by kirillzubovsky on July 22, 2011 | past | 28 comments
Ways to Raise Money Without Giving Up Equity (currentlyobsessed.com)
1 point by davidedicillo on May 9, 2011 | past
How to Recruit Top Engineers to Your Startup (currentlyobsessed.com)
18 points by webwright on Jan 20, 2011 | past | 10 comments
Best tools for late night startup hackers (currentlyobsessed.com)
12 points by danshapiro on Jan 16, 2011 | past | 2 comments
Add logs, pour fuel (VC money), light match (beta release day) (currentlyobsessed.com)
12 points by daveschappell on July 7, 2010 | past | 1 comment
LeadsCon: a crash course in “show me the money” (currentlyobsessed.com)
9 points by mmaunder on June 23, 2010 | past | 1 comment
New York Times 50 Most Challenging Words (currentlyobsessed.com)
71 points by mmaunder on June 15, 2010 | past | 38 comments
Why you can't read a VC (currentlyobsessed.com)
42 points by danshapiro on June 10, 2010 | past | 6 comments
Channel your Inner VC to Understand Startup Valuations (currentlyobsessed.com)
17 points by webwright on May 27, 2010 | past | 4 comments
A Startup's Crucial First Hire: The "Do-It-All Office Admin" (currentlyobsessed.com)
32 points by mahipal on May 12, 2010 | past | 21 comments
Unexpected Startup Lesson #1: Quitting the day job (currentlyobsessed.com)
64 points by mmaunder on May 10, 2010 | past | 21 comments
Things I've learned to recruit great hackers (currentlyobsessed.com)
44 points by mmaunder on April 9, 2010 | past | 8 comments
Sell Ice Cream, Not Cream and Ice (currentlyobsessed.com)
36 points by mmaunder on March 14, 2010 | past | 5 comments
Avoid This Startup Mistake: Losing Customer Focus (currentlyobsessed.com)
2 points by jheitzeb on Feb 20, 2010 | past

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