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How New York Times created "Money on the Bench" interactive charts (chartsnthings.tumblr.com)
1 point by keywonc on May 18, 2013 | past | 1 comment
Making a mountain out of a mountain of data - making of NYT Snow Fall 3d Flyover (chartsnthings.tumblr.com)
2 points by ChrisArchitect on Dec 22, 2012 | past
Behind the Scenes: The NYT Facebook IPO Graphic (chartsnthings.tumblr.com)
53 points by jashkenas on May 20, 2012 | past | 6 comments
Amanda Cox and countrymen chart the Facebook I.P.O. (chartsnthings.tumblr.com)
2 points by mxfh on May 20, 2012 | past
Sketches from the NYT Electoral Map (chartsnthings.tumblr.com)
1 point by jashkenas on May 15, 2012 | past

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