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Bitcoin Core: Bitcoin Core 0.21.1 released with Taproot activation code (bitcoincore.org)
150 points by alwillis on May 2, 2021 | past | 249 comments
Bitcoin Core: CVE-2018-17144 Full Disclosure (bitcoincore.org)
2 points by chollida1 on Sept 21, 2018 | past | 1 comment
Bitcoin Core CVE-2018-17144 Full Disclosure (bitcoincore.org)
2 points by DiabloD3 on Sept 21, 2018 | past
Correcting misinformation on Segwit2x and btc1 (bitcoincore.org)
1 point by mbgaxyz on Aug 18, 2017 | past
A history of performance optimizations made to Bitcoin’s reference software (bitcoincore.org)
3 points by okket on March 14, 2017 | past
Bitcoin Core – Segregated Witness Upgrade Guide (bitcoincore.org)
2 points by sidko on Oct 27, 2016 | past
Zero-Knowledge Contingent Payment (bitcoincore.org)
163 points by mazsa on Feb 28, 2016 | past | 63 comments
The First Successful Zero-Knowledge Contingent Payment on the Bitcoin Network (bitcoincore.org)
4 points by monort on Feb 27, 2016 | past
Zero Knowledge Contingent Payment Executed on the Bitcoin Network (bitcoincore.org)
10 points by zmanian on Feb 26, 2016 | past | 1 comment
Bitcoin Core 0.12.0 Released (bitcoincore.org)
1 point by bootload on Feb 24, 2016 | past
BitcoinCore: Clarifying Communications (bitcoincore.org)
4 points by hendi_ on Jan 28, 2016 | past
Bitcoin: Launch of Segregated Witness Testnet (bitcoincore.org)
4 points by sonoffett on Jan 22, 2016 | past

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