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Distellamap – Seeing the operation of code in Atari 2600 games (benfry.com)
2 points by kkoncevicius on July 14, 2023 | past
Distellamap: Seeing the operation of code in Atari 2600 games (benfry.com)
1 point by scotteh on Dec 21, 2020 | past
Zipdecode (benfry.com)
1 point by jonbaer on April 30, 2020 | past
Distellamap: Seeing the operation of code in Atari 2600 games (benfry.com)
2 points by ingve on March 20, 2016 | past
Zipdecode (benfry.com)
3 points by jmduke on Aug 28, 2015 | past | 2 comments
Zipcode Visualizations (benfry.com)
2 points by adamzerner on July 15, 2015 | past
On needing approval for what we create; losing control over distribution (2010) (benfry.com)
1 point by jashkenas on March 19, 2014 | past
Ben Fry: Organic Information Design (benfry.com)
1 point by adulau on Dec 2, 2012 | past
Zipdecode (benfry.com)
1 point by xyzzyb on May 24, 2012 | past
Distellamaps: See the operation of code in Atari 2600 games (benfry.com)
2 points by angrycoder on Feb 22, 2012 | past
Writing | ben fry » Processing 0195 now posted (benfry.com)
1 point by th0ma5 on April 11, 2011 | past
Particle simulation : Metrodome collapsing under weight of snow (benfry.com)
1 point by revorad on Dec 12, 2010 | past | 1 comment
The growth of the Processing project (benfry.com)
2 points by shawndumas on Nov 29, 2010 | past
Changes Between the Multiple Editions of "On the Origin of Species" (benfry.com)
2 points by shawndumas on Oct 8, 2010 | past
Cut Cut Paste. Cut (benfry.com)
1 point by shawndumas on Oct 8, 2010 | past
Distellamap: Visualization of Atari 2600 Code and Data (benfry.com)
47 points by scott_s on Oct 8, 2010 | past | 7 comments
Fugpaint - A misbehaving paint program (benfry.com)
4 points by nirmal on March 14, 2010 | past
IPad thoughts from Ben Fry (creator of Processing) (benfry.com)
106 points by ewjordan on March 13, 2010 | past | 60 comments
Ben fry » Are electronic medical records really about data? (benfry.com)
5 points by baran on Oct 26, 2009 | past
On the Origin of Species: The Preservation of Favoured Traces (benfry.com)
2 points by colinprince on Sept 18, 2009 | past
On the Origin of Species: The Preservation of Favoured Traces (benfry.com)
4 points by jjames on Sept 8, 2009 | past
Ben Fry's PhD Dissertation (the creator of Processing) (benfry.com)
3 points by viggity on April 28, 2009 | past | 1 comment
Songs off the charts (turning data into music by Songsmith) (benfry.com)
1 point by bd on Feb 1, 2009 | past
Beautiful zip code visualisation (benfry.com)
48 points by iamelgringo on Jan 23, 2009 | past | 8 comments
Is Processing a Language? (benfry.com)
2 points by prakash on Sept 24, 2008 | past
NFL player IQ by position (benfry.com)
76 points by mhb on July 25, 2008 | past | 93 comments
All Streets: Map of the US showing nothing but streets (benfry.com)
4 points by naish on May 13, 2008 | past
Maps of the US made entirely of roads (benfry.com)
22 points by gruseom on May 11, 2008 | past | 3 comments
distellamap (benfry.com)
6 points by jmorin007 on Feb 26, 2008 | past | 3 comments

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