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Say “I'm happy to help” not “We're happy to help” to boost sales (ariyh.substack.com)
1 point by tdmckinlay on Feb 11, 2021 | past
When people in ads should look at the viewer – or away (ariyh.substack.com)
1 point by tdmckinlay on Feb 4, 2021 | past
We remember scented products better and for longer (ariyh.substack.com)
2 points by tdmckinlay on Jan 28, 2021 | past
365 days or 1 year? Smaller units are more credible (ariyh.substack.com)
10 points by tdmckinlay on Jan 25, 2021 | past | 17 comments
When we prefer human (vs machine) recommendations (ariyh.substack.com)
2 points by tdmckinlay on Jan 20, 2021 | past
People enjoy unpredictable reward more than fixed ones (ariyh.substack.com)
2 points by tdmckinlay on Jan 14, 2021 | past | 2 comments
Some negative reviews are good for you (ariyh.substack.com)
1 point by tdmckinlay on Jan 13, 2021 | past
‘Friend’ influencers drive more sales than ‘opinion-leaders’ (ariyh.substack.com)
1 point by tdmckinlay on Dec 23, 2020 | past | 1 comment
Research: Eco-friendly products boost customer satisfaction (ariyh.substack.com)
1 point by tdmckinlay on Dec 18, 2020 | past
Boost your opt-in rate by gamifying the ask (ariyh.substack.com)
1 point by tdmckinlay on Dec 16, 2020 | past
Showcase only your best features, not all your good ones (ariyh.substack.com)
1 point by tdmckinlay on Dec 10, 2020 | past
Describe your product features in easy to understand units (ariyh.substack.com)
1 point by tdmckinlay on Dec 7, 2020 | past
Say 25 ‘pieces’ of chocolate instead of 500 ‘grams’ (ariyh.substack.com)
1 point by tdmckinlay on Dec 3, 2020 | past
Research: Boost your product with complementary products (ariyh.substack.com)
2 points by tdmckinlay on Dec 1, 2020 | past
People prefer something “For $0” than “Free” (ariyh.substack.com)
1 point by tdmckinlay on Nov 27, 2020 | past
How to reduce choice overload and increase satisfaction (ariyh.substack.com)
2 points by tdmckinlay on Nov 26, 2020 | past
Place rational messages high up and emotional ones down (ariyh.substack.com)
1 point by tdmckinlay on Nov 19, 2020 | past
People want to hear what your product sounds like (ariyh.substack.com)
2 points by tdmckinlay on Nov 18, 2020 | past
Smile less in photos to appear more confident and boost your sales (ariyh.substack.com)
1 point by tdmckinlay on Nov 12, 2020 | past | 1 comment
Coupons: When to give ‘10% off’ vs. ‘$10 off’ (ariyh.substack.com)
1 point by tdmckinlay on Nov 12, 2020 | past
Calculate discounts using the new price (‘was 25% higher’ vs. ‘now 20% off’) (ariyh.substack.com)
1 point by tdmckinlay on Nov 10, 2020 | past
How to use 'default option' nudges effectively (ariyh.substack.com)
2 points by tdmckinlay on Nov 5, 2020 | past
Use “Handwritten” fonts to increase sales (ariyh.substack.com)
2 points by tdmckinlay on Oct 30, 2020 | past
Emojis increase social media engagement (ariyh.substack.com)
2 points by tdmckinlay on Oct 28, 2020 | past
Use “pseudo-sets” to control how many actions people take (ariyh.substack.com)
97 points by tdmckinlay on Oct 23, 2020 | past | 15 comments
Take a political stance with your brand to gain customers (ariyh.substack.com)
2 points by tdmckinlay on Oct 13, 2020 | past
A ritual for your product increases satisfaction and spending (ariyh.substack.com)
92 points by tdmckinlay on Oct 5, 2020 | past | 70 comments
The Hidden Opportunity in Referral Messages (ariyh.substack.com)
1 point by tdmckinlay on Sept 15, 2020 | past

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