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Rage against the (EV)Machine part 1: contract size (aragon.one)
1 point by bpierre on Nov 7, 2019 | past
My First Aragon App: Voting with DAOstack’s Holographic Consensus (Part 2) (aragon.one)
2 points by bpierre on Aug 28, 2019 | past
My First Aragon App: Voting Supercharged with DAOstack’s Holographic Consensus (aragon.one)
35 points by bpierre on Aug 21, 2019 | past | 8 comments
Releasing Aragon Agent Beta (aragon.one)
1 point by bpierre on Feb 22, 2019 | past
Tips ad tricks to get started with Solidity (aragon.one)
2 points by bpierre on Dec 19, 2018 | past
The future of organizations (aragon.one)
2 points by sergeant3 on Dec 1, 2018 | past
The future of organizations (aragon.one)
1 point by whichcoin on Nov 23, 2018 | past
The future of organizations (aragon.one)
2 points by bpierre on Nov 22, 2018 | past
Aragon launches its Survey app on Ethereum Mainnet (aragon.one)
1 point by bpierre on May 31, 2018 | past
The Aragon Manifesto (A pledge to fight for freedom) (aragon.one)
1 point by anastalaz on May 10, 2018 | past
Aragon 0.5 – The Architect (aragon.one)
3 points by bpierre on March 29, 2018 | past
Introducing aragonOS 3.0 alpha: an OS for Ethereum protocols and DApps (aragon.one)
3 points by bpierre on Jan 25, 2018 | past
Introducing AragonOS: Say hi to modular and extendable organizations (aragon.one)
1 point by bpierre on Oct 5, 2017 | past
Aragon Network Jurisdiction Part 1: Decentralized Court (aragon.one)
3 points by bpierre on July 18, 2017 | past
Aragon – the decentralized app to run Blockchain organizations (aragon.one)
1 point by andreisambra on May 17, 2017 | past | 1 comment
Show HN: Aragon – Everything you need to run your company on Ethereum (aragon.one)
191 points by luisivan on Feb 10, 2017 | past | 117 comments

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