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Meshroom a free and open-source 3D Reconstruction Software (alicevision.org)
39 points by raytopia 55 days ago | past | 5 comments
Meshroom is a free open-source 3D Reconstruction Software (alicevision.org)
4 points by momirlan 11 months ago | past | 1 comment
AliceVision – Photogrammetric Computer Vision Framework (alicevision.org)
1 point by Tomte on April 13, 2021 | past
AliceVision – Photogrammetric Computer Vision Framework (alicevision.org)
3 points by eitland on Oct 9, 2020 | past
Meshroom – Open-source photogrammetry software (alicevision.org)
283 points by moeffju on May 9, 2020 | past | 76 comments

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