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A Few Notes on the Culture by Iain M Banks (1994) (adactio.com)
111 points by Bluestein 4 days ago | past | 96 comments
The Machine Stops (adactio.com)
2 points by headalgorithm 25 days ago | past
Trust: Long time to build, short time to destroy (adactio.com)
2 points by hypertexthero 41 days ago | past | 3 comments
Securing Client-Side JavaScript (adactio.com)
3 points by Brajeshwar 67 days ago | past
How We Built the World Wide Web in Five Days (2019) (adactio.com)
2 points by tie-in 83 days ago | past
Ad Revenue (adactio.com)
1 point by robin_reala 3 months ago | past
Bookmarklets for Testing Your Website (adactio.com)
2 points by ColinWright 4 months ago | past
Rotten Apple (adactio.com)
205 points by schalkneethling 4 months ago | past | 214 comments
Rotten Apple (adactio.com)
11 points by teichmann 4 months ago | past | 1 comment
Progress (adactio.com)
1 point by hypertexthero 6 months ago | past
HTML Web Components (adactio.com)
4 points by serial_dev 7 months ago | past
event.target.closest (adactio.com)
2 points by robin_reala 9 months ago | past
Multi-Page Web Apps (adactio.com)
1 point by bwilliams 9 months ago | past
Multi-page web apps (adactio.com)
1 point by mpweiher 10 months ago | past
NPM Ruin Dev (adactio.com)
2 points by imadj 11 months ago | past | 1 comment
Coding Prototypes (adactio.com)
2 points by thisisblurry 11 months ago | past
The Syndicate (adactio.com)
1 point by favourable 12 months ago | past
Read-Only Web Apps (adactio.com)
2 points by tarf 12 months ago | past
Permission (adactio.com)
2 points by colinprince 12 months ago | past
Permission (adactio.com)
1 point by todsacerdoti on July 11, 2023 | past
Guessing (adactio.com)
2 points by detaro on March 14, 2023 | past | 1 comment
You can call me AI (adactio.com)
1 point by twapi on Feb 22, 2023 | past
Three attributes for better web forms (adactio.com)
1 point by samwillis on Jan 20, 2023 | past
Seams (2014) (adactio.com)
1 point by mwcampbell on Sept 27, 2022 | past
Work Ethics (adactio.com)
2 points by leephillips on Aug 24, 2022 | past
No Code (adactio.com)
1 point by theschwa on Aug 18, 2022 | past
Democratising Dev (adactio.com)
2 points by headalgorithm on Aug 15, 2022 | past
Democratising Dev (adactio.com)
2 points by todsacerdoti on Aug 11, 2022 | past
Two Decades of TheSession.org (adactio.com)
2 points by gaws on June 19, 2022 | past
Re-Evaluating Technology (adactio.com)
1 point by graylien on June 11, 2022 | past

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