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Erlang is pragmatic (12monkeys.co.uk)
21 points by hassy on May 16, 2009 | past | 14 comments
The future of Lisp... (12monkeys.co.uk)
42 points by hassy on Jan 21, 2009 | past | 47 comments
My notes from Doug Richard's (Dragon's Den) School for Startups (12monkeys.co.uk)
4 points by hassy on Oct 29, 2008 | past
Coffee shop programmer (12monkeys.co.uk)
36 points by hassy on Aug 1, 2008 | past | 32 comments
Starling — Unicode string library for Erlang (12monkeys.co.uk)
6 points by nickb on March 11, 2008 | past

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