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Corners Don't Look Like That: Regarding Screenspace Ambient Occlusion (2012) (nothings.org)
63 points by epsylon on Aug 23, 2015 | past | 19 comments
A C program that generates an opera (nothings.org)
1 point by GuiA on Dec 2, 2014 | past
Herringbone Wang Tiles (nothings.org)
153 points by speednoise on July 7, 2014 | past | 10 comments
Lessons learned about how to make a header-file library (nothings.org)
2 points by austengary on Sept 24, 2013 | past
Minesweeper: Advanced Tactics (nothings.org)
1 point by batiudrami on Aug 22, 2013 | past
Corners Don't Look Like That: Regarding Screenspace Ambient Occlusion (nothings.org)
2 points by ryeguy on Dec 14, 2012 | past
The Arrogant Response, the Humble Response, and the Other Response (nothings.org)
2 points by seanmcdirmid on Dec 13, 2012 | past | 2 comments
The Arrogant, the Humble, and the Other Response (to "Learnable Programming") (nothings.org)
1 point by skrebbel on Sept 28, 2012 | past
Iteration is Hard (nothings.org)
8 points by gruseom on March 7, 2012 | past
Stb.h - portable C utility library in a single header file (nothings.org)
2 points by eps on Oct 20, 2011 | past
The 3D Software Rendering Technology of 1998's Thief: The Dark Project (nothings.org)
112 points by ukdm on Sept 20, 2011 | past | 15 comments
"Browsers enhance the abilities of content creators, instead of directly enhancing your experience" (nothings.org)
3 points by cousin_it on May 4, 2008 | past

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