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1. Panic at the Job Market (matt.sh)
1717 points by speckx 51 days ago | 1566 comments
2. Microsoft actions following attack by nation state actor Midnight Blizzard (microsoft.com)
280 points by nycdatasci 7 months ago | 188 comments
3. Anatomy of a credit card rewards program (bitsaboutmoney.com)
1271 points by disgruntledphd2 5 months ago | 733 comments
4. Botanical gardens can cool city air by an average of 5°C (newatlas.com)
399 points by Brajeshwar 6 months ago | 152 comments
5. Why Writing by Hand Is Better for Memory and Learning (scientificamerican.com)
190 points by LinuxBender 6 months ago | 126 comments
6. Show HN: Improve cognitive focus in 1 minute (oneminutefocus.com)
741 points by junetic 7 months ago | 285 comments
7. How the brain responds to reward is linked to socioeconomic background (news.mit.edu)
100 points by saikatsg 7 months ago | 118 comments
8. U.S. GDP grew at a 4.9% annual pace in the third quarter, better than expected (cnbc.com)
283 points by apsec112 10 months ago | 697 comments
9. FBI, partners dismantle Qakbot infrastructure (fbi.gov)
229 points by mvdwoord on Aug 29, 2023 | 171 comments
10. Red Ventures has turned very specific advice into very big business (nytimes.com)
167 points by SirLJ on Aug 16, 2021 | 134 comments
11. Widely used chemical strongly linked to Parkinson’s disease (science.org)
721 points by lonelyasacloud on May 16, 2023 | 325 comments
12. Unemployed for 8 months with 10 years experience. How is your job search going?
35 points by dsattt on May 9, 2023 | 40 comments
13. People who use Notion to plan their whole lives (technologyreview.com)
349 points by FinnKuhn on April 25, 2023 | 401 comments
14. Netflix will end its DVD service after 25 years (nytimes.com)
356 points by jbegley on April 18, 2023 | 347 comments
15. Can brown noise turn off your brain? (nytimes.com)
196 points by tintinnabula on Sept 27, 2022 | 209 comments

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