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1. React 19 almost made the internet slower (codeminer42.com)
202 points by henriqueinonhe 16 days ago | 284 comments
2. Show HN: 2d web paddle game (raould.github.io)
309 points by cypherpunk666 29 days ago | 71 comments
3. Show HN: Auto-generate an OpenAPI spec by listening to localhost (github.com/adawg4)
178 points by adawg4 3 months ago | 73 comments
4. The Retro Web – Database, Docs, BIOS, Drivers, etc. for old PC Hardware (theretroweb.com)
194 points by peter_d_sherman 5 months ago | 20 comments
5. [dupe] Show HN: Open-source background removal in Node.js (npmjs.com)
94 points by buss_jan 8 months ago | 9 comments
6. Is ORM still an anti-pattern? (github.com/getlago)
451 points by AnhTho_FR on June 27, 2023 | 777 comments
7. Show HN: Web page that parses and explains the label on a bike tire (fahrrad-tools.de)
631 points by moasda on Jan 30, 2022 | 180 comments
8. The old internet shows signs of quietly coming back (cheapskatesguide.org)
622 points by ColinWright on Jan 25, 2022 | 390 comments
9. New browser signal could make cookie banners obsolete (dataprotectioncontrol.org)
270 points by chdlr on June 16, 2021 | 261 comments
10. Strapi – Open-source Node.js Headless CMS (strapi.io)
106 points by jhabdas on June 8, 2020 | 68 comments
11. Show HN: Planning poker online – estimate tasks without influencing others (planningpokeronline.com)
89 points by MiquelLHC on May 18, 2020 | 55 comments
12. Manyverse – A social network off the grid (manyver.se)
298 points by staltz on Sept 25, 2018 | 117 comments
13. Scuttlebutt, a Decentralized Alternative to Facebook (inthemesh.com)
623 points by bpierre on April 19, 2018 | 342 comments

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