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1. The Rust calling convention we deserve (mcyoung.xyz)
291 points by matt_d 79 days ago | 137 comments
2. Zigbee and Z-Wave are the best part of my smart home (arstechnica.com)
178 points by mfiguiere 4 months ago | 155 comments
3. Signs that it's time to leave a company (adrianco.medium.com)
546 points by bezeee 5 months ago | 339 comments
4. An introduction to lockless algorithms (2021) (lwn.net)
216 points by signa11 on April 24, 2023 | 69 comments
5. How RocksDB Works (krylysov.com)
285 points by DAlperin on April 19, 2023 | 69 comments
6. We clone a running VM in 2 seconds (codesandbox.io)
414 points by mrkurt on Sept 1, 2022 | 109 comments
7. Principles of Engineering Management (acjay.com)
465 points by im_dario on April 25, 2022 | 122 comments
8. Difftastic: A diff that understands syntax (github.com/wilfred)
983 points by tempodox on March 29, 2022 | 219 comments
9. Hacked GDB Dashboard Puts It All on Display (hackaday.com)
101 points by rcarmo on March 23, 2022 | 20 comments
10. Finding your home in game graphics programming (alextardif.com)
247 points by poga on Jan 1, 2022 | 126 comments
11. Physically Based Rendering Book (pbr-book.org)
119 points by jasim on July 16, 2021 | 44 comments
12. Correctly implementing a spinlock in Modern C++ (rigtorp.se)
115 points by symisc_devel on June 25, 2021 | 97 comments
13. 3D Game Shaders for Beginners (github.com/lettier)
269 points by ingve on April 25, 2021 | 26 comments
14. Segment Tree (cp-algorithms.com)
128 points by pmoriarty on Oct 1, 2020 | 16 comments
15. Measuring keyboard-to-photon latency with a light sensor (thume.ca)
118 points by chmaynard on May 31, 2020 | 46 comments
16. Game Programming Patterns (2014) (gameprogrammingpatterns.com)
635 points by simonpure on May 16, 2020 | 86 comments
17. Kinvolk Labs: Investigating Kubernetes Performance Issues with BPF (kinvolk.io)
49 points by talonx on May 1, 2020 | 2 comments
18. Ennui: How to Overcome Chronic Boredom (effectiviology.com)
185 points by EndXA on April 29, 2020 | 114 comments
19. Let’s Invent B(+)-Trees (shachaf.net)
420 points by panic on April 28, 2020 | 69 comments
20. BPF at Facebook and beyond (lwn.net)
185 points by Tomte on Oct 10, 2019 | 61 comments
21. Visualization techniques for different data sets (mlwhiz.com)
113 points by rocker_pj on April 20, 2019 | 8 comments
22. KABOOM in 180 lines of bare C++ (github.com/ssloy)
854 points by haqreu on Jan 27, 2019 | 63 comments
23. Lines of bare C++: raytracing made simple (github.com/ssloy)
207 points by haqreu on Jan 20, 2019 | 9 comments
24. How to Start Learning Computer Graphics Programming (erkaman.github.io)
754 points by phodo on Jan 6, 2019 | 120 comments
25. Show HN: Intuitive Linear Algebra and 3D Geometry (intuitive-math.club)
402 points by smspillaz on April 24, 2018 | 42 comments

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