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1. The Effective Tech Lead Is a 100x Engineer (hackernoon.com)
205 points by kevinSuttle on March 28, 2018 | 79 comments
2. Beyond CI/CD: GitLab's DevOps Vision (2017) (about.gitlab.com)
256 points by FooBarWidget on March 19, 2018 | 71 comments
3. How Dutch Police Took Over Hansa, a Top Dark Web Market (wired.com)
246 points by Cwwm on March 9, 2018 | 138 comments
4. Why I Quit Google to Work for Myself (mtlynch.io)
1767 points by mtlynch on Feb 28, 2018 | 751 comments
5. Curry spice turmeric boosts memory by nearly 30%, eases depression, study finds (els-cdn.com)
726 points by bcaulfield on Jan 24, 2018 | 386 comments
6. Robinhood Crypto – Invest in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies (robinhood.com)
259 points by uptown on Jan 25, 2018 | 312 comments
7. The Death of Microservice Madness in 2018 (dwmkerr.com)
993 points by Sandman on Jan 21, 2018 | 441 comments
8. Linus Torvalds: “Somebody is pushing complete garbage for unclear reasons.” (iu.edu)
1854 points by Valmar on Jan 22, 2018 | 656 comments
9. An Experimental Course on Operating Systems (stanford.edu)
967 points by jzoch on Jan 12, 2018 | 243 comments
10. Introduction to reverse engineering and assembly (homelinux.net)
343 points by seiflotfy on Jan 9, 2018 | 32 comments
11. Announcing the OpenWrt/LEDE merge (lede-project.org)
312 points by kylegordon on Jan 4, 2018 | 111 comments
12. F.C.C. Repeals Net Neutrality Rules (nytimes.com)
3384 points by panny on Dec 14, 2017 | 1431 comments
13. Show HN: Culture Queries – The best questions to ask during your job interview (keyvalues.com)
572 points by lynnetye on Dec 12, 2017 | 125 comments
14. System76 ME Firmware Updates Plan (system76.com)
703 points by jcastro on Nov 30, 2017 | 248 comments
15. Norvig's Python programs to practice or demonstrate skills (github.com/norvig)
937 points by federicoponzi on Nov 27, 2017 | 84 comments
16. Productive on six hours of sleep? You’re deluding yourself, expert says (chicagotribune.com)
417 points by dalfonso on Oct 4, 2017 | 295 comments
17. W3C abandons consensus, standardizes DRM, EFF resigns (boingboing.net)
2735 points by guelo on Sept 18, 2017 | 978 comments
18. Top medical experts say we should decriminalize all drugs (2016) (washingtonpost.com)
687 points by anythingnonidin on Sept 19, 2017 | 367 comments
19. The Future of HHVM (hhvm.com)
265 points by mwpmaybe on Sept 18, 2017 | 158 comments
20. Interactive Demo of Bloom Filters (jasondavies.com)
188 points by tekromancr on Sept 6, 2017 | 53 comments
21. Publishing with Apache Kafka at The New York Times (confluent.io)
369 points by rmoff on Sept 6, 2017 | 146 comments
22. Ask HN: How to prepare for an Engineering Manager interview?
315 points by throwmeplease on July 8, 2017 | 73 comments
23. I make $10k per month with the Amazon Affiliate Program (reddit.com)
550 points by danso on July 7, 2017 | 269 comments
24. Writing a MySQL storage engine from scratch (2016) (codeproject.com)
202 points by yinso on June 15, 2017 | 23 comments
25. HTTP security headers (appcanary.com)
224 points by mgdo on May 15, 2017 | 21 comments

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