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1. Show HN: SwaraNotebook – a notation editor for Indian classical music (swaranotebook.com)
105 points by shark8me 7 months ago | 26 comments
2. Welcome to Datasette Cloud (datasette.cloud)
317 points by swyx 11 months ago | 68 comments
3. The little-known world of caterpillars (newyorker.com)
49 points by Thevet on March 16, 2023 | 18 comments
4. Visual design rules you can safely follow (anthonyhobday.com)
1978 points by tontonius on Feb 6, 2023 | 317 comments
5. Hoppscotch: Open-source alternative to Postman (hoppscotch.io)
668 points by MarcellusDrum on Feb 28, 2022 | 218 comments
6. Solar Shed Summary: My Off Grid Office (sevarg.net)
198 points by sylvain_kerkour on Oct 3, 2021 | 67 comments

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