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1. Original source of `(seed * 9301 and 49297) % 233280` random algorithm? (2014) (softwareengineering.stackexchange.com)
182 points by thunderbong on Aug 6, 2022 | 83 comments
2. [flagged] From maximum force to physics in 9 lines – and implications for quantum gravity (arxiv.org)
48 points by KK-more on Aug 6, 2022 | 50 comments
3. CACM special issue on Lisp (1991) (acm.org)
44 points by rwxrwxrwx on Aug 5, 2022 | 4 comments
4. Implementing Condition Variables with Semaphores (2003) [pdf] (birrell.org)
20 points by dyx on Aug 4, 2022 | 1 comment

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