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1. Shoot the arrow, then paint the target around it (ozanvarol.com)
165 points by inetsee on May 1, 2023 | 99 comments
2. Tweetbot. April 2011 – January 2023 (tapbots.com)
727 points by davidbarker on Jan 20, 2023 | 400 comments
3. Reasons you aren't updating your personal site (2020) (brianlovin.com)
72 points by memorable on Sept 16, 2022 | 72 comments
4. Make Your Python CLI Tools Pop with Rich (hackaday.com)
158 points by lxm on Jan 20, 2022 | 47 comments
5. Iconoir – An Open-Source SVG Icons Library (iconoir.com)
327 points by based2 on Jan 9, 2022 | 25 comments
6. Remix – A framework focused on web fundamentals and modern UX (remix.run)
575 points by canyonero on Nov 22, 2021 | 296 comments
7. Life after an internet mob attack (pasquale.cool)
532 points by jseliger on May 26, 2021 | 445 comments
8. How to create a 1M record table with a single query (antonz.org)
180 points by lipanski on March 24, 2021 | 38 comments
9. Modern action films fetishize the body even as they desexualize it (bloodknife.com)
663 points by Avshalom on March 8, 2021 | 665 comments
10. Cover Your Tracks (eff.org)
694 points by cpeterso on Nov 21, 2020 | 256 comments

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