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1. Falsehoods Software Developers Believe About Event-Driven Systems (dimtion.fr)
11 points by dimtion 4 hours ago | 8 comments
2. Programmers Should Never Trust Anyone, Not Even Themselves (carbon-steel.github.io)
86 points by kiyanwang 5 hours ago | 50 comments
3. Are Security Analogies Counterproductive? (philvenables.com)
1 point by transpute on June 21, 2022
4. Cybersecurity and the curse of binary thinking (philvenables.com)
153 points by kiyanwang on July 11, 2021 | 99 comments
5. Ask HN: How does Alexa avoid interrupting itself when saying its own name?
41 points by dumbest 5 days ago | 55 comments
6. You Need a Backup Bank (lifehacker.com)
45 points by josephcsible 2 days ago | 38 comments
7. Ask HN: What is the best code base you ever worked on?
529 points by pcatach 3 days ago | 440 comments
8. Relational Algebra Primer (relational-algebra.dev)
12 points by thunderbong 2 days ago | 1 comment
9. Algebraic Effects for the Rest of Us (overreacted.io)
3 points by yinso 2 days ago | discuss
10. The CIDR trie data structure (d34dl0ck.me)
35 points by lukastyrychtr 2 days ago | 7 comments
11. Readability: Google's Temple to Engineering Excellence (moderndescartes.com)
5 points by brilee 2 days ago | discuss
12. Making Regex from Scratch in Go (lewismetcalf.com)
2 points by todsacerdoti 2 days ago | discuss
13. The Life Of Lithium (noemamag.com)
120 points by bertman 3 days ago | 35 comments
14. How to think about creating a dataset for LLM fine-tuning evaluation (mlops.systems)
138 points by sebg 4 days ago | 7 comments
15. Show HN: Gosax – A high-performance SAX XML parser for Go (github.com/orisano)
75 points by orisano 4 days ago | 31 comments
16. How to Evolve a Product (granola.so)
2 points by jnord 2 days ago | discuss
17. gRPC: The Bad Parts (kmcd.dev)
226 points by temp_praneshp 4 days ago | 218 comments
18. A Tricky Floating-Point Calculation (akr.am)
2 points by thunderbong 4 days ago | 1 comment
19. Show HN: Voice bots with 500ms response times (cerebrium.ai)
304 points by kwindla 4 days ago | 96 comments
20. Show HN: Find AI – Perplexity Meets LinkedIn (usefind.ai)
93 points by philip1209 4 days ago | 70 comments
21. The plan-execute pattern (mmapped.blog)
153 points by surprisetalk 9 days ago | 72 comments
22. Three ways to think about Go channels (dolthub.com)
161 points by ingve 7 days ago | 136 comments
23. The case for not sanitising fairy tales (plough.com)
301 points by crapvoter 6 days ago | 359 comments
24. No matter what they tell you, it's a people problem (2008) (codinghorror.com)
85 points by mooreds 6 days ago | 34 comments
25. How to do the jhanas (nadia.xyz)
77 points by mandliya 7 days ago | 103 comments
26. Ask HN: Advice for leading a software migration?
87 points by drekipus 9 days ago | 74 comments
27. After my dad died, I ran and sold his company (2018) (anandsanwal.me)
876 points by ziptron 8 days ago | 120 comments
28. Why does current flow the opposite way from the electrons? (mathstodon.xyz)
245 points by johncarlosbaez 9 days ago | 242 comments
29. A New Kind Of Dance Science (combinatorics of social dancing) (zacksdancelab.com)
83 points by nullsub 11 days ago | 47 comments
30. How does a computer/calculator compute logarithms? (zachartrand.github.io)
177 points by ykonstant 9 days ago | 73 comments

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